This is the application for all vendors for the Dallas Days event - this is NOT a vendor application for Art in the Park.
For any questions, please contact
Join the Dallas Downtown Association for the 2025 Dallas Days Parade! Our theme this year is "Dallas in Wonderland." We welcome you to decorate in whatever "wonderland" represents to you: floral, colorful, whimsical, playful...there are so many possibilities! We can't wait to see your creativity.
Awards will be given in the following categories:
1. The Dallas Days Parade 2025 Grand Champion:
The best overall entry in every category. #1. The finest. The top choice. The cream of the crop!
2. The Wonderland Awards:
Our awards representing best use of the theme in separate entry categories:
Commercial floats
3. The Down the Rabbit Hole Award:
Best decorated mode of transportation
(this could include classic cars, horses, giant semis...)
4. The Which Path Do I Take Award: best walking entry
5. The Tea Party Award: judges' choice