2025 Rules and Guidelines: The Market will be moved on May 31st for the Corn Roast. For this event, we will be moving to the Col. Wheeler Middle School Parking lot directly next to Bulldog Park. The market will close at noon on June 21, August 16, August 23, and September 13. There will be no market on July 19th. Attendance: Attendance at the market is required unless you have notified a member of the staff AT LEAST 24 hours prior to the start of the market. The penalty for a no call/no show vendor is as follows:1st offense - warning 2nd offense - $25 Fee 3rd offense - $50 fee 4th offense or more - you will forfeit you market space and will not receive a refund. THIS WILL BE ENFORCED THIS YEAR! All vehicles must be in place by 7:45 AM ready to sell products. A vendor failing to arrive by 7:45 AM will forfeit their space for the day. The market staff has the power to override this rule in emergency cases. At the end of the market, no cars will be allowed to enter the vendor gate until 1:15 PM (12:15 on days ending early). Please do not sit in front of the gate and block traffic before the gate has opened. Code of Conduct: Vendors must conform to all rules in place by the market staff. Profane language and offensive/abusive behavior will NOT be tolerated. This behavior will result in immediate removal from the market. Vendors may NOT harass customers, fellow vendors or staff. Vendors may NOT solicit outside their designated space or advertise anything that has not been approved on this application. Operating and Enforcement Rules: The Crown Point Farmer's Market will take place at Bulldog Park (183 S. West St.) from 8 AM - 1 PM (unless stated otherwise). This is a rain or shine market; however, the market will not take place in extreme weather conditions.
A grower or producer is any person offering for sale articles for human consumption, such as fruits, vegetable, syrups, edible grains, nuts and berries, maple sugar, apiary products and/or non-edible articles, such as cut or potted flowers which have been grown or prepared by the grower or producer. Sale of any type of meat, dairy or certifies eggs is allowed in accordance with the Lake County Health Depart. Rules and Regulations. Vendors must clearly identify where all produce is grown/harvested. Homebased vendors selling food must comply with Indiana Cottage Law. VENDORS MUST IDENTIFY ALL PRODUCE NOT GROWN LOCALLY AND ALL PRODUCE NOT GROWN BY THE VENDOR. Occupants of spaces at this market must conform to market rules. The market staff have full authority to enforce all rules. Any occupants failing to comply may have their space declared vacant at the discretion of the market staff. Selection of Vendors: The City of Crown Point strives to bring a wide variety of vendors to the farmer's market, but exclusivity is NOT guaranteed. Additional vendors of the same product might be considered. The ultimate decision will be determined by the market staff on a case-by-case basis.
Returning seasonal vendors have the 1st right to sign up by January 31. After January 31st, any available spots will be opened up. Dates: The Crown Point Farmer's Market will take place every Saturday, May 24th through September 27th from 8am-1pm (unless stated otherwise). Please be aware that other events in Crown Point may cause the market to be moved to a different location. Payment: Payment is due upon of approval of your application. Weekly vendors payment is due at least 24 hours before the market starts. Payment will not be accepted on-site unless arrangements have been made ahead of time. All applications must be paid with a Credit/Debit card unless circumstances do not allow and will be dealt with on a case-by-case situation. All market fees are for a 10x10 standard space. A vendor using more that the allotted 10x10 space must pay an additional market fee. Checks should be made payable to the City of Crown Point. Total payment in check or cash must accompany the applications. Payment secures your vendor spot at the market. Seasonal spaces are non-transferable and non-refundable unless approval by Director of Special Events. Requirements: Any vendor selling food, food items, packed food, or items for consumption must provide a copy of their Lake County Health Permit to the City of Crown Point. Vendors with such items will not be able to participate in the market without a permit. The Lake County Health Dept. will make periodic visits throughout the season. If a vendor is in violation of the health department code, they will be removed from the market until qualifications of the code can be met. Food Vendors must provide the City of Crown Point with a Certificate of Liability naming the City of Crown Point as an additional insured. Set-up and Tear- Down: Set up begins at 6:00 AM, market staff will arrive at 6:00 AM to turn on the power and place vendors in their designated spaces. All vendors must be in place by 7:45 AM to participate in the market that day. Vendors must furnish their own tables, chairs, and other display arrangements. Participants must have a sign stating their business name. Market tear-down will begin promptly at 1:00 PM. If other events are scheduled after the market. we may enforce an earlier tear-down, notice will be given prior to each market. The vendor gates will not be opened until 1:15 PM for vendor and pedestrian safety. To alleviate traffic jams within the pavilion, between the times of 1 PM to 1:15 PM, vendors are asked to start tearing down their setup and not bring their vehicles in until their set up is torn down and packed. Vendors may not sell, solicit, or continue any market activities after 1:00 PM. All vendor-related trash must be removed at the end of each market. The city's waste receptacles are solely for the attendees of the market. Vehicles of any sort (excluding food trucks) will not be allowed in the market space after 7:45 AM. This includes vendor's and guests' cars. COVID-19 Safety: I agree to participate in the Crown Point Farmer's Market as a vendor for the 2025 season. I have read and understand the COVID Guidelines established by the Crown Point Special Events Department for the safety of staff, vendors, and visitors.