Our annual Charlotte Pride Job Fair provides a targeted experience and a necessary service to our community. Here, we create space for LGBTQ+ jobseekers to feel comfortable & empowered and to connect with companies like yours that value inclusion and understand that a diversity of voices strengthens & moves everyone forward. Our job fair also offers an opportunity for - allowing you to fill critical staffing needs in partnership with talented, eager jobseekers; to offer educational & career advancement opportunities & resources; and to uplift and empower jobseekers.
Is your company interested in being our Charlotte Pride Job Fair Presenting Partner? Please reach out to sponsors@charlottepride.org for more information or to discuss. Benefits are customizable.
Special Nonprofit & Small Business Rate: Are you a local, small business with 10 or fewer employees? Or are you representing a local nonprofit? If so, please reach out to maurice@charlottepride.org to see if you qualify for a discounted rate.