Press Pass application. Must be affiliated with verifiable media outlet (print, radio, TV, podcast etc). Expected minimum threshold on audience size will apply for approval. Applications will be reviewed soon. Acceptance for Press Badge for previous events does not automatically confer approval for 2025. Media will be reviewed for CFF mentions and coverage of previous events as part of current application reviews.
Advance promotion of event (or planned appearance at event) 2-3 times in advance are appreciated. Please tag our account during advance promotion.
Press badge does not guarantee access to celebrity guests for interviews. Please keep other attendees in mind and do not take up celebrities' time if others are waiting. No large equipment (tripods, etc) without prior approval. No blocking of aisles, attendee movement, vendor tables or Celebrity tables. Press Badge must be worn and visible at all times. Advance interviews with Carolina Fear Fest are welcome and can be arranged through email info@carolinafearfest.com.
Prove you are the bloody best! Â We'll be having ONE battle this year - SFX Battle will be judged by Emmy award winning SFX artists Starr and Dean Jones from The Original Hollywood Horror Show and Atlantic/Pacific Studios. Winner the SFX Battle will receive prizes & swag, bragging rights, social shout outs on the official CFF channels, and more. This contest will be on Saturday, May 24th 2025 - time tbd.
Application to be a contestant for the Carolina Fear Fest SFX Battle! Please see Terms and Conditions below for basic rules and scope of the contest.
Applications will be sent to our Jury to determine which applicants will go on to become our MUA Competitors!