Butternut Creek Festival 2025 - Eventeny

Butternut Creek Festival 2025

Starts on Saturday, July 19th, 2025
Blairsville, Georgia, United States
About the event
A two day family-oriented fine craft and art show in Meeks Park. Featuring great musical entertainment, live art demonstrations and plenty of good food. An opportunity for artists and craftsmen to sell and share their works with the general public in a pleasant and inviting setting. An event where all applicants are juried, limiting participation to 80 - 85 of the best to ensure quality and diversity. An opportunity to bring between 10,000 - 14,000 visitors to our community each year, resulting in increased business opportunities. Over 35% of festival visitors come from outside the local area. A partnership between High Country Artisans, Inc. and the Union County Recreation Department and the Union County Schools Art Programs. An opportunity for local non-profit organizations, through reduced exhibitor space fees, to educate and gain support from their local community.
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Jul 19, 2025 · 10:00 AM - Jul 20, 2025 · 4:00 PM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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Parking instructions
Free parking and shuttle service at Meeks Park both festival days.
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Terms & Conditions
EXHIBITOR RULES 1. Only arts and fine crafts made/created personally in the USA by the primary artist/craftsman will be allowed. Work must be original and produced by the exhibiting artist/craftsman. No commercial or buy/sell. 2. This is a juried show where ALL exhibitors are juried every year. Jury scores will not be released and ALL DECISIONS BY THE JURY ARE FINAL. Only items in your accepted category may be displayed or offered for sale. High Country Artisans, Inc. reserves the right to remove any inappropriate or non-juried items. 3. Please be considerate of others during unloading and loading. Unload and move your vehicle as soon as you are finished unloading to the designated EXHIBITOR PARKING AREA with the PARKING PERMIT displayed in the window, then return to your site to set up. Vehicles must be parked by 8:30AM Saturday and Sunday. NO VEHICLES OR TRAILERS ARE ALLOWED ON GRASS OR WALKWAYS AT ANY TIME. All setup equipment, canopy, and your inventory must be carried/wheeled from the parking lot to your assigned booth space. Your booth space is approximately 12’ by 12’. This allows for your 10 x 10 tent and one foot on each side of your booth. Please plan to bring help if you need assistance for set-up. Assistance will not be available on site. Any exhibitor who does not abide by these rules will not be invited to return. 4. All set up materials must be provided by the exhibitor. Due to Insurance Regulations, no guy wires will be allowed. This is an outdoor festival and the ground may not always be level or flat. The festival will be held rain or shine (no cancellation) and closing early is not allowed. Each exhibitor will be responsible for his/her own protective covering and securing his/her canopy in case of inclement weather or high winds. Forty pound weights on each corner are required. 5. Take down times will be strictly adhered to. The official closing time is 4:00PM Sunday. All exhibitors will completely knock-down and pack up all display, merchandise and tents before bringing their vehicle to the loading area. Again, no vehicles or trailers are allowed on the grass or walkways at any time. All exhibitors must clean up their space before leaving. 6. Booths must be manned by the registered primary artist/craftsman. All tables must be completely draped to the ground. Each booth must be kept clean. No discounting of products is allowed and no solicitation or high-pressured sales. ALL sales activity is confined to the marked booth area. No display of previous show awards. No audio advertising or music permitted. No exhibitor or display may extend beyond the front or side booth marks. 7. ABSOLUTELY NO PETS OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE ALLOWED IN PARK per Meeks Park rules. Please follow all posted Park Rules. No bikes, balls, bats, fishing poles, skateboards, etc. are allowed in festival area. No boom boxes, stereos, noisemakers. Demonstrations of musical instruments and art & craft demonstrations that make noise are allowed only upon PRIOR approval by the Show Chairman. Please be considerate of your vendor neighbors. Use of generators is not allowed. 8. There will be a security guard on duty within the festival area Friday & Saturday nights. However, as per the signed application form, The High Country Artisans, Inc., Union County, Union County Chamber of Commerce and the Union County Recreation Department shall in no way be held responsible for any injury, damages, or theft. 9. Each exhibitor is responsible for paying their own Georgia State Sales Tax. The Sales Tax in Union County is 7%. A Georgia Department of Revenue Sales Tax Form is included in your vendor pack. 10. The High Country Artisans reserve the right to ask any exhibitor to leave the show for any reason that the organization deems appropriate or for failure to abide by any rules. A signed application constitutes a contract, requiring exhibitors to follow all rules and regulations and is a commitment to participate if accepted.
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High Country Artisans logo
Hosted by High Country Artisans
Joined Eventeny in October 2024
1 event
Blairsville, Georgia, United States
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