Atlanta Indie Market is the link to your vendor registrations.
Please take a moment to review the vendor options below, as each price is designated for a category of vending.
There are multiple pricing options below to cover the variety of vending categories that will be highlighted at this Sunday's Bonfire ATL.
Please review the price information to ensure your items offered match the price you are selecting.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure that the method of payment is accurate and available to provide payment for the registered price. Payment will process once the application is APPROVED. There is a $3.50 non-refundable registration fee that will process immediately, but the full registration payment will not process until APPROVAL.
If you select multiple price options or multiple quantities of a price, you will be charged upon approval for each price selected. Please make sure you are only selecting the price and quantity you desire to pay for.
Approval message for the event will contain all load in and load out instructions for vendors as well as the address for the location.
We appreciate your interest and are looking forward to creating a momentous experience together.
Let us know if you have any questions!