Thank you for your interest in the 2025 BE Arts Fest. Early Bird Vendor single spaces are $100 (non-refundable) and double spaces (20x10) are available in limited quantities at $215 (non-refundable). Mature Makers (age 50+) and Youth Vendor spaces are $75 (non-refundable). Regular Vendor rates $175 will resume March 1st.
Vendor spaces will be marked. All vendors must supply their own tent with weights/stakes plus any additional tables/chairs or displays. No electricity will be provided, this is an outdoor event.
Event Timing: Saturday, May 31, 2025
Event Address: Hardesty Park
(Rain or shine)
Vendor set up time is 9:00 am-11:00 am. Festival begins at 12:00 pm (Noon). All vendors must be checked- in and set up no later than 11:00 am. Tear down at END of the festival (8:00 pm). There will be no early teardown.
Artist/Vendors registrations will be reviewed and participation will be determined no later than April 20, 2025. All fees are due upon acceptance. (See early bird pricing for discounted booth rates)
*As the vendor, you keep 100% of your sales and are responsible for all transactions, taxes and customer service.
**The BE Arts planning committee reserves the right to deny participation to anyone.
Space is not confirmed without receipt of full payment.
Contact us at for more information.
Welcome to the 2025 BE Arts Festival! This is an electronic agreement and by selecting the booths, you are validating and approving this agreement electronically. Last year, we had perfect weather for a perfect event, seeing over 1000 supporters! We hope you'll join our line of food vendors this year.
By applying as a food vendor, you agree to be in compliance with all State and County Health and Fire requirements and regulations, failure to be in compliance will result in the forfeiture of your space and fees.
Nonprofit and Community Organization single spaces are $50 (non-refundable). Organization spaces will be marked. All participants must supply their own tent with weights/stakes plus any additional tables/chairs or displays. No electricity will be provided.
Event Timing: Saturday, May 31, 2025
Event Address: Hardesty Park
(Rain or shine)
Vendor set up time is 9:00 am-11:00 am. Festival begins at 12:00 pm (Noon). All vendors must be checked- in and set up no later than 11:00 am. Tear down at END of the festival (8:00 pm). There will be no early teardown.