Provided Items:
Beans, water, stir paddles, and kettles will be furnished to each team. Each team/contestant is responsible for providing flavoring and spices to suit their taste.
Bean Quantity:
Contestants must cook the amount of beans assigned to their kettle. No beans may be removed without approval from the Bean Committee.
Cooking Area:
The cooking area will open for participants at 6:45 AM. Beans, water, and kettles will be ready at this time. The Bean Fest Committee will begin lighting fires at approximately 7:00 AM.
Judging will begin at approximately 11:00 AM. Awards will be announced after all judging has been completed, in conjunction with decoration and other awards.
Entry Fee and Prizes:
The entry fee for each kettle is $50.00. Prize money will be awarded as follows:
- 1st Place: $150
- 2nd Place: $100
- 3rd Place: $75
- Best of Show (Cooking Area): $50
- Best Costumes: $50
Each contestant is responsible for cleaning the area around their assigned bean pot at the end of the day’s activities.
Cooking Area Access:
Only three (3) cooks are allowed in the roped-off “cooking” area at any given time. Participants will be issued badges granting them access to this area. No other family members, friends, relatives, long-lost pals, or enemies are allowed in the area. For safety reasons, children under the age of 12 are not permitted. This rule is in place to keep the area safe and spill-free. Failure to comply may result in disqualification from the Bean Cooking competition. The Bean Committee has the final say on this matter.
Sanitary Practices:
For sanitary reasons, cooks must use disposable spoons when tasting the beans during cooking or must sanitize the spoon between tastings. Additionally, caution should be exercised when smoking near the bean pots, as cigarette ashes could fall into the beans. (While smoking near the beans may not be unsanitary, it certainly appears unappetizing!)
Contestants may decorate their cooking area as they wish, provided the decorations are not offensive and do not pose a fire hazard by being too close to the burners. Prizes may be awarded for the best-decorated area. Decorations must not interfere with safe movement within the area or extend beyond the assigned cooking space.
This event is intended to be fun and entertaining. Committee members for the Bean Fest are volunteers who participate for their enjoyment and have no affiliations with any participants; therefore, they treat everyone equally and with respect. In return, they should be treated with the same respect. Any abusive behavior by contestants during registration or cooking will not be tolerated. Any violators will be disqualified from the competition and banned from participating in any Mountain View contests for three (3) years.