Application deadline has passed
Custom Application

Affiliated Event

Deadline: Jul 06, 2023 5:00 pm (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Date: Jul 07, 2023 11:00 am - Jul 15, 2023 11:00 pm (EDT)

About the event

Since 1969, the Three Rivers Festival has grown to become Indiana's second largest summer festival, an annual nine-day community celebration. The Three Rivers Festival is a not-for-profit organization, funded entirely by vendor participation fees, souvenir sales, refreshments & entertainment ticket sales, and the generous sponsorship and support of area businesses.
Three Rivers Festival
Three Rivers Festival
Three Rivers Festival
Three Rivers Festival

About the application

Align your organization's July event with the name recognition of our area's premiere summer celebration, by applying for an Official TRF Affiliated Event designation!

2023 Festival Dates: Friday, July 7 through Saturday, July 15

Application deadline is June 30, 2023.

A Non-Profit Organization's Event (No corporate names/brands mentioned) = $100
Note: Non-Profit organization's Event may have admission fees and/or sales to public
For-Profit Business with entry/participation fee ($500.00)
For-Profit Business with no entry/participation fee ($100.00)
Each event requires a separate application. (Example: An organization may host an ice cream social one day, and a rummage sale on another day. This would require TWO applications & TWO fees.)

A single event can occur on multiple days/times. (Example: A Theater performance may have multiple day performances.)
Frequently Asked Questions:
An event (or series of events) held on one or more days during Three Rivers Festival. Affiliated events are organized, hosted and operated by an area business or not-for-profit group.

1) Your event will be part of our area's biggest summer Festival!
2) Inclusion on the affiliated event page of the festival website
3) Inclusion in the daily event schedule on the festival website during the festival
4) Social Media posts on the festival's Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages before the festival.

Just fill out this application and include your fee payment. Your Certificate of Insurance will be required no later than June 30, 2023. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your application status by May 30, 2022.

Terms & Conditions


1. Event must not compete with Three Rivers Festival core events.
2. Event should be unique and entertaining for the general public.
3. Interactive and educational events are encouraged.
4. Event organizers must provide an area appropriate for the event, with adequate room for spectators (if appropriate).
5. If you wish to hold your event in Headwaters Park or Freimann Square, please check with Three Rivers Festival office (426-5556) ASAP for availability.
6. Event organizers are responsible for all logistical details related to their event, including permits, security, lighting, portajons, trash containers, etc.
7. Events must supply a $1,000,000 Certificate of Insurance (COI) naming Three Rivers Festival as 'Additional Insured," either uploaded with application or mailed to TRF's office. Contact your insurance Agent to get a copy of your COI.
8. Event must be handicap accessible.
9. Chair or Co-Chair of the event must be on site at all times.
10. Events must have an adequate number of volunteers to execute the event while maintaining crowd control and addressing safety concerns.
11. The Three Rivers Festival logo must appear on any printed materials, ad or signage promoting the event. Logo will be provided to approved events.
10. Event area must be clean and free of any hazards (electrical cords, etc)
11. Event must have restroom facilities.
12. Directional signs leading to the event and informational signs about the event must be present (listing start time, food, restrooms, etc).
13. All events must have plans for medical incidents that may arise.
14. Any event serving food must have a Board of Health permit. Call (260) 449-7562 for more info. Note: Three Rivers Festival does not have authority to waive permits or fees for the Board of Health, City of Fort Wayne or police services for any event.
15. Events which promote or display images of violence, illegal substances or behavior will not be granted Affiliated status.
16. If an approved Affiliated Event is cancelled, Affiliated Event fees paid to TRF are NON-REFUNDABLE.
17. Affiliated Event applications are subject to approval of Three Rivers Festival. Application does not guarantee acceptance. If your event is declined, you will be notified by email.
18) COVID-19 Plan: all affiliated event organizations must submit a COVID-19 plan to the Three Rivers Festival by June 1, 2023. All affiliated events must comply with mask, social distancing, and handwashing practices as required by the Allen County Department of Heath, the Indiana Department of Health, and the CDC. 
In consideration of the acceptance of this application, the below-named Organization/Company, as an inducement to such acceptance, agrees for itself and its officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns, to indemnify and hold the Three Rivers Festival Executive Board, Inc., its board members, officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns, harmless of and from any and all liability, claims, actions, demands, damages and expenses, including, without limitation, reasonable attorney fees incurred by or on behalf of any of them, arising out of injury (including death) or damage of any kind, to property or persons (including any member of the below-named Organization/Company), in any way connected with the below-named Organization/Company's participation in the Three Rivers Festival.

I, the undersigned, as the person authorized to act on behalf of Organization/Company, hereby release, remise and forever discharge Three Rivers Festival Executive Board, Inc., its board members, officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns, severally or jointly, and the City of Fort Wayne, Indiana, of and from any and all liability, claims, actions, and possible causes of action which may accrue to any member of the group from every and any loss, damage and injury (including death) that may be sustained while participating in the Festival.


For-Profit Business with Entry/Participation Fee $500
For-Profit Business with NO Entry/Participation Fee $100
Registered Non-Profit Organization $100

Questions on the application

User information

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Gender
  • Birthday
  • Address

Additional information

  • Event Title
  • Describe your event. This information will be printed verbatim in the festival programming, so please make sure what you include is what you want to print.
  • Please upload photo of your event or your company/organization logo.
  • Please list the day, start time and end time for you event. If your event takes place multiple days, please make sure to include all dates and corresponding times.
  • Does your event have any age restrictions?
  • Will the event take place in Fort Wayne?
  • If not in Fort Wayne, where will it be held?
  • Street address of event location:
  • Phone number for event information (will be listed on festival website)
  • What is your projected attendance for the event?
  • Do you have a website for your event?
  • Does your event require pre-registration?
  • Pre-registration dates (If applicable)
  • If there is an admission for the public/spectators, what is that fee?
  • If there is a fee, will you provide a discount with a TRF button?
  • TRF Button Discount Amount (If applicable)
  • Does your event have a sponsor? If yes, list sponsor names.
  • Attach Liability Insurance Certificate
  • Who is your insurance carrier?
  • By applying digital signature below, I understand and agree to the Terms & Conditions, Indemnification, and the Waiver of Liability of this application.
Affiliated Event
Affiliated Event
2023 Three Rivers Festival
Application deadline has passed