Looking to clear out some of your collection or some old cosplay items you don't use anymore? Looking to add to your collection?
We're hosting an anime flea market! Sunday, April 27, from 10am to 6pm!
This is a FREE event to attend! Tickets are only for sellers to reserve a table space!
There will also be a food truck on site!
Sellers will be given a full table, 6ft of space!
Table sharing is also fine. Artists are more than welcome to come sell as well!
We provide tables, tablecloths, chairs, canopies, and water for all the sellers.
The market will be held in the parking lot outside of Anime Paradaisu, under canopies.
Feel free to message the shop if you have any questions!
Please only bring anime, cosplay, or Japanese related items. We want to stick to our theme as much as possible!
This is a family friendly event! Dakimakuras. figures, anime cases, manga; anything above 16+ must be censored with tape!
No adult items are allowed! If you have doubts about your items, please contact the store so that we can help determine what is acceptable.
Booth types:
End of Aisle booths get 3 tables
Corner booths get 2 tables
Solo and Shared booths get 1 table
All booths come with 1 chair! Additional chairs and tables can be added during booth selection.
The Market is going to be held on April 27, 2025 from 10am until 6pm.
The address is 5208 Hollyridge Dr. Raleigh, NC 27612 at Anime Paradaisu in the parking lot out front.
Please note that we do not have access to a power outlet! Food vendors need to have their own power source!