Please fill out this form if you're interested in hosting a panel. Anime Fargo staff may contact you prior to approval to request additional information. If your panel is approved you will be sent an survey to provide additional details such as time preference, equipment, and badge names.
Panels will be approved on a rolling basis and all decisions will be made by July 15th.
You can submit multiple panels, however we may not be able to accommodate more than one panel per person or group.
If your panel was not approved initially, it may be placed on a waitlist in case of cancellations. In the event of a cancellation, Anime Fargo staff may reach out to inquire if you would be interested in hosting your submitted panel.
If you have questions after you submit your application, please email us at panels@animefargo.org. Thank you!
Welcome to Anime Fargo's Party Room application!
Come apply and host your very own personalized party room! Whether it's all ages or 21+ we're all here to have an amazing time! Pick your theme and room name and decorate to your heart's content.