This application is for a vendor space in the Antique and Interiors Lot for Alive in Roswell 2025. Be aware of what venue you are applying to have a booth space. If you put in an application for the wrong venue, please submit a new application under the correct venue. There will be no moving of vendors from one venue to another for the duration of the festival season. The application form must be completed and submitted for review to become an eligible vendor for Alive in Roswell 2025. A City of Roswell event staff member will contact you if you are approved as a vendor. Applications will be considered based on the date received. Submitting this application does not guarantee acceptance into the festival. If you miss two or more of the seven Alive in Roswell's without letting your event staff member know, you risk not being accepted to the festival in the future and may be asked not to attend for the remainder of the season.
This application is for a vendor space on Elizabeth Way and in the Heart of Roswell Park for Alive in Roswell 2025. Be aware of what venue you are applying to have a booth space. If you put in an application for the wrong venue, please submit a new application under the correct venue. There will be no moving of vendors from one venue to another for the duration of the festival season. The application form must be completed and submitted for review to become an eligible vendor for Alive in Roswell 2025. A City of Roswell event staff member will contact you if you are approved as a vendor. Applications will be considered based on the date received. Submitting this application does not guarantee acceptance into the festival. If you miss two or more of the seven Alive in Roswell's without letting your event staff member know, you risk not being accepted to the festival in the future and may be asked not to attend for the remainder of the season.
This application is for a vendor space on Canton Street for Alive in Roswell 2025. Be aware of what venue you are applying to have a booth space. If you put in an application for the wrong venue, please submit a new application under the correct venue. There will be no moving of vendors from one venue to another for the duration of the festival season. The application form must be completed and submitted for review to become an eligible vendor for Alive in Roswell 2025. A City of Roswell event staff member will contact you if you are approved as a vendor. Applications will be considered based on the date received. Submitting this application does not guarantee acceptance into the festival. If you miss two or more of the seven Alive in Roswell's without letting your event staff member know, you risk not being accepted to the festival in the future and may be asked not to attend for the remainder of the season.