About the event
May 01, 2025 · 8:00 AM - May 31, 2025 · 11:45 PM(GMT-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
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Mar 31, 2025
Memphis in May is fortunate to have a dedicated group of veteran volunteers that return year after year, with over 500 volunteers signing up each year. The volunteer corps is divided amongst 14 different committees, with each committee led by a veteran volunteer Chairperson along with two or three Vice-chairs. Volunteer committees have a broad range of responsibilities, including communications, production, transportation and hospitality to name a few. Depending upon the responsibility of the individual committee, there can be anywhere from 20 to 100 volunteers on a committee. Memphis in May considers its volunteers to be the heart of its festival. Without the tireless efforts of so many individuals, Memphis in May would not be able to produce the quality events that make up the festival.
Memphis in May utilizes volunteer assistance throughout the year, however the majority of volunteer hours are logged between mid-April and the end of May. There are very few requirements to be a volunteer with Memphis in May. Volunteers attend their committee’s meetings for training and instruction for their committee roles and responsibilities. New volunteers are required to attend the volunteer orientation and training session.
With flexibility in volunteer scheduling, uniqueness of events, and variety of volunteer options available, new volunteers to the Memphis in May program will find the experience to be both exciting and rewarding. Because Memphis in May volunteers help produce the majority of the festival, they find involvement in the volunteer program to be a way to have an ‘insider’s view’ of the event’s production. Along with the rewards of volunteer service, the volunteer program plugs an individual into a broad social network of fun and interesting people. Newcomers to the Memphis area will find the welcoming attitude of the volunteers along with the diversity of people and service options are a good way to meet new Memphians.
Hosted by Memphis in May International Festival
Joined Eventeny in July 2024