2025 Twin Cities Pride Festival - Eventeny

2025 Twin Cities Pride Festival

Starts on Saturday, June 28th, 2025
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Twin Cities Pride logo
About the event
2025 Twin Cities Pride Festival is a CELEBRATION of the LGBTQ+ Community and ALL LGBTQ+ people and allies are welcome! As always, Twin Cities Pride Festival is ADMISSION FREE!
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Jun 28, 2025 · 10:00 AM - Jun 29, 2025 · 6:00 PM(GMT-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
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Artists, vendors & exhibitors applications
Interested in applying:
3 active applications
Deadline: May 31, 2025

Thank you for applying to become a vendor at the 2025 Twin Cities Pride Festival. 


Please expand the Show More below to see more details.


Please read all below information before beginning your application to make the process easier for you.


The festival will be held June 27-29, 2025.


Vendor registration opens on January 15, 2025, and will remain open until all booth spaces are filled.


Resources to assist in successfully completing an application


If you have questions or would like further details, please refer to the Vendor FAQ page at https://tcpride.org/2025vendorinfo/ or contact festival@tcpride.org. The Vendor FAQ page also includes recordings of the informational sessions that were held on January 5th and 9th 2025.


If you encounter errors while completing or submitting your application, please contact support@eventeny.com, or use the contact form at https://help.eventeny.com/hc/en-us/requests/new. 


Vendor registration opens on January 15, 2025, and will remain open until all booth spaces are filled. Prospective vendors will have the opportunity to complete an application and join the waitlist after booth spaces are sold out if they wish to secure a potential booth space in the event that one becomes available. A notice will be added to this information section to inform those planning to apply when the application availability changes to “waitlist only”.


An updating map that shows the remaining booth spaces can be viewed at the bottom of the application, or by following this link: https://www.eventeny.com/events/map/?id=14806&mid=11760.  

Please verify your booth placement requests compared to this updating map. Specific booth numbers may not be in the same placement as previous years due to changes in the map’s layout. As such, vendors who request the same booth number as 2024 may not have the same booth space.


About Twin Cities Pride


Twin Cities Pride is the 501c3 charitable nonprofit organization that produces the annual LGBTQ+ Pride Festival, March, and other events. In addition, Pride sponsors other LGBTQ+ nonprofits including but not limited to MN Deaf Queers, MN POC Pride, and other Prides around the state.


Twin Cities Pride is run primarily with volunteers and a few full-time employees.


The goal of Twin Cities Pride is always to create a safe and welcoming place for the LGBTQ+ community to gather and celebrate together. If you are part of a company, group, or organization that has actively worked against or physically harmed ANY members of the LGBTQ+ community then Pride is not the space for you.  

We welcome vending businesses and organizations who affirm and support our mission. Twin Cities Pride wishes to create an environment that celebrates the gathering of a community, while remembering our history and all who have gathered before us:   

  • Twin Cities Pride seeks to empower every LGBTQ+ person to live as their true self and to create a future where all LGBTQ+ people are valued and celebrated for who they are.
  • The Pride celebration commemorates and continues the fight against discrimination and ongoing struggle for equality faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons and their families.  

While we would like to encourage and support all organizations to create a more inclusive and diverse space, merely having members of the LGBTQ+ community employed does not qualify an organization or person as being supportive or an ally. Twin Cities Pride recognizes that it is our actions that show the world our values and will keep this in mind when considering what vendors will be approved for the upcoming festival and other events throughout the year. As such, if you are involved in any way with a group, company, or organization that has engaged in missions or activities that sought to harm or restrict the LGBTQ+ community in any way during the last 5 years but are taking steps to become more inclusive and supporting, please reach out to Andi Otto, Executive Director, before completing an application to discuss the best steps for you and your organization to take to become better allies to the LGBTQ+ community. 


What will you need to provide while completing an application?


All vendors are required to submit a completed ST-19 at the time of completing their application, or it will be automatically waitlisted until the document is provided. An ST-19 is required from ALL vendors, whether they intend to sell any merchandise during the festival or not. Please note that requested booth spaces will not be held while awaiting properly completed documentation being provided.


Photographs of your intended booth setup.


Images and description lists of the products you intend to sell during the festival, including prices. (If selling)


A description of how you plan to engage and interact with festival attendees.


ALL exhibitors and food vendors are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance that meets the listed requirements within two weeks of their application being approved or their approval may be withdrawn, with no refund of any fees provided. Certificates of Insurance must prove General Liability coverage of $1,000,000 or more. Certificates of Insurance must list Twin Cities Pride as an additional insured, including its current legal business address.


Upon submitting a vendor application, a $50 application fee and a 6.5% processing fee will be charged via credit card or ACH. These fees are non-refundable and will be the only fees charged at this time. Additional fees that are based upon the business or organization’s annual revenue, a selling surcharge (if applicable), and any additional rental requests made during the application process will be charged to the same payment method upon the application’s approval. 


What costs are involved in becoming a vendor?


All Businesses/Organizations (based on total gross annual revenue) 

•       Business Level 0: Under $150,000                                                 $350 

•       Business Level 1: Under $150,000 - $500,000                $625 

•       Business Level 2: $500,000 – $1,000,000                          $1,125 

•       Business Level 3: $1,000,000 – $5,000,000                    $1,875 

•       Business Level 4: $5,000,000 -$15,000,000                  $2,500 

•       Business Level 5: $15,000,000+                                                      $3,750 


Non-Profits / Government Agency (based on total gross annual revenue)   

•       Nonprofit Level 1: Under $100,000                                                 $190 

•       Nonprofit Level 2: $100,000 – $1,000,000                          $625 

•       Nonprofit Level 3: $1,000,000 – $5,000,000                   $1,125 

•       Nonprofit Level 4: $5,000,000+                                                       $1,875  


THC Vendor  

•       Booth Space:                                                                                                        $3750 



•       6-foot Table Space:                                                                                      $200*


* Table Space is provided in shared tent space, a vendor in the small business tent is limited to a 2 year purchase and must be an organizations with annual revenue under 100k.  To support this new opportunity, Twin Cities Pride will be covering the selling surcharge for vendors at tables in the Queer Writes and Small Business tents.


All businesses and organizations that are selling during the Twin Cities Pride festival will be charged a $150 selling surcharge that will be passed through to the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board. 


There are a limited number of scholarships available for small nonprofit organizations and community groups that have an annual revenue under $100,000. If you wish to apply for a scholarship, there is a spot on the vendor application to do so. Approval of your application will not be processed before a scholarship has been awarded or denied. If your request for a scholarship is turned down, you will be contacted prior to your application being approved or being charged any additional fees. 


Festival Sponsorships are available, starting at $8500. Sponsorships include a booth space, as well as other benefits and additional recognition as determined by the sponsorship level. Please reach out to the festival organizers if you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities. 


Submission of your application indicates your understanding that all fees are non-refundable and non-transferable unless otherwise stated in this policy. 


Potential vendors should note that their final charge placed at application approval may be increased if they opt to rent power, wi-fi, parking, extra tables, or other available items. Costs for these items and further details can be found within the application on the specified questions. 


Please note that Twin Cities Pride does not have tents for rental this year. Tents can still be rented through Après Party & Tent Rental, who will assemble and stake the tent. 


Should the 2025 Twin Cities Pride festival be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, all fees will be transferred to the new date set for the festival. Should the festival need to be cancelled due to a pandemic or other circumstances outside of Twin Cities Pride’s control, no fees will be refunded. 


What is included in being a vendor?


Each booth space is 10'×10' and includes one 8-foot table.  Chairs and tent are not provided.  Vendors are limited to a maximum of two booth locations. All materials, storage, and operations (to include prep, clean-up, and back of house) must remain within the approved booth space.


In an effort to make the Twin Cities Pride Festival more accessible to more organizations and businesses and remove barriers some prospective vendors may face, there will be a limited number of tabling spaces available. Tabling spaces will consist of a single 6-foot table in larger specialized tent spaces. Prospective vendors should note that while a decreased need for staffing and lower cost may benefit many small businesses and organizations, there will be no additional back of house or engagement space. Those who would not be able to fully engage with their intended attendees would have a better experience vending from a 10x10 booth space. To ensure that the most prospective vendors can benefit from this new opportunity, a two year limit for all businesses, organizations, and individuals will be in place for approval of tabling spaces in the Small Business Tent.


Participation in the Eventeny Online Marketplace.


Twin Cities Pride is collaborating with Lavender Magazine to create a special 2025 Twin Cities Pride section in Lavender’s June 12, 2025 issue. All Twin Cities Pride booth vendors, registered and approved before April 20th, will receive a complimentary listing in this issue. These listings will feature the name of the organization or business and will be categorized alphabetically by color-coded location within the park.   


Towards the end of the application, vendors will also have the opportunity to indicate their interest in purchasing an ad in Lavender’s May 29, 2025 and/or June 12, 2025 Pride issues. 


Both generic and customizable social media templates will be available for those vendors who wish to promote their presence at the 2025 Twin Cities Pride festival. Branded promotional banners can also be custom created if the vendor emails their logos or photos to rainbowcircle@tcpride.org. Please ensure that your email includes details regarding the ways in which you will be involved with the festival so that the correct template can be used. 


What booth spaces can you request as a preference?


The color sections have vendor grouping (type of vendor) to help festival attendees know where to find the things they are interested in. We do allow flexibility for vendors to be in a location that makes sense for you - all other areas are open placement requests.  Please see "Color Section" on the TCP vendor FAQ website for descriptions.


In an effort to make the festival accessible for all attendees, there are specified areas that vendors must meet requirements to be placed. These spaces include the Youth Pride Hideaway, Artist Alley, the Cannabis Garden, the Queer Writes Tent, and the Light Blue Zone. 


Youth Pride Hideaway: Programing in this zone will be focused towards the youth members of the LGBTQ+ community. As such, vendor approval for spaces indicated as being part of the youth zone will only be approved if they provide services or products to support youth. 


Artist Alley: All vendors approved to be in this zone must be an LGBTQ+ or BIPOC artist selling handmade items. 


Cannabis Garden: Vendors who sell or create THC products and related businesses will be located in this zone. The Cannabis Garden will be a fenced 21+ area. The charge for a daily entry wristband is $5. No THC products may be sold or consumed outside of the Cannabis Garden. 


Queer Writes Tent: Writers, publishers, and booksellers that are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, or provide services to the community, will have the opportunity to vend from a table within the Queer Writes Tent. Note that this will be a single table with limited stock space compared to a 10x10 space. 


Light Blue Zone: Twin Cities Pride seeks to create a festival that is able to be enjoyed by all members of the community. As such, the Light Blue Zone is intended to be a more sensory friendly area. This zone includes services such as the Escape Space, Family Services, and the Remembrance Garden. 


Small Business Tent: This is a new area with the goal of providing opportunities to vend at the festival to small businesses and/or organizations that may otherwise face barriers to doing so. Qualifications include that the business, organization, or individual vendor have an annual revenue of less than $100k. A limit is also in effect that the business, organization, or individual may only qualify for a table for a maximum of two years, in an effort to provide more people and groups with the opportunity.


What is involved in the jury and approval process?


Each vendor application will be juried in the order they are received. The jury process will verify that your business or organization meets the acceptance criteria to become a vendor at the 2025 Twin Cities Pride Festival.  


Acceptance criteria include, but are not limited to: 

  • The product and/or services you intend to provide (including the quality, pricing, and uniqueness of your product or service).
  • Your company or organization’s past experience and interactions with Twin Cities Pride.
  • Your company or organization’s commitment to and support of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Your company or organization’s sustainability practices.
  • Your company or organization’s experience at other outdoor events.
  • The proposed size of your booth and any power or other requirements.
  • The level of professionalism demonstrated through interactions with the LGBTQ+ community and other companies or organizations.
  • Your agreement that all people who will be staffing your booth will follow the Vendor Code of Conduct and any established procedures. 

Twin Cities Pride may withdraw your application if your business or organization fails to uphold these criteria after approval, with no refund of any fees paid. Your application may also be withdrawn if all required documentation is not provided within two weeks of your application’s approval, unless otherwise stated on the application. 


How do I know if I am approved? What if I am not?


A confirmation email will be sent upon your completion of the application, with instructions for providing any additional documentation required. This email is not a statement of your application being approved, only that it has been received. You will receive an additional email within two weeks that will inform you if your application has been approved, waitlisted, or rejected. 


Vendors who are waitlisted due to incorrect or missing documentation will have their applications reviewed upon providing the correct documentation. A vendor waitlisted for missing documentation may not receive their preferred booth placement as availability will be based upon their approval date, not available spaces at time of application.


Vendors who are waitlisted due to a lack of space or multiple similar vendors already having been approved will be contacted if a space opens prior to the festival, before their application is approved, to verify if they still wish to participate or if their availability has changed. We will post a notice at the top of the application when registration changes to “waitlist only.” 


Upon your application being approved, you will have two weeks in which you can cancel and receive a refund of all fees charged, aside from the application fee and any payment processing fees.  


Failure to provide your Certificate of Insurance or other required documentation within two weeks of your application being approved may result in your application being withdrawn, with no fees being refunded. 

Please expand Show More below to see more details. 

  • 1/24/25 Update- Purple Food court  Space is full 
  • 1/24/25 Update- Yellow Food court Space is full 
  • 1/24/25 Update-  Blue Food court Space available.
  • 1/24/25 Update-  Pink Food court  Space available

 The following application is for FOOD VENDORS ONLY.

For your FIRST LOCATION during Twin Cities Pride Festival. 



June 27-29, 2025 (2 days) in Loring Park. 
Please expand the Show More below to see more details.  

Please read all the information below before beginning your application to make the process easier for you. 


Resources to assist in successfully completing an application
If you have questions or would like further details, please refer to the Vendor FAQ page at https://tcpride.org/festival-vendor-faq/ or contact festival@tcpride.org. The Vendor FAQ page also includes recordings of the informational sessions that were held earlier this year. 


Errors with application
If you encounter errors while completing or submitting your application, please contact support@eventeny.com, or use the contact form at https://help.eventeny.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.   


Vendor Registration
Vendor registration opens on January 15, 2025, and will remain open until all booth spaces are filled. Prospective vendors will have the opportunity to complete an application and join the waitlist after booth spaces are sold out if they wish to secure a potential booth space if one becomes available. A notice will be added to this information section to inform those planning to apply when the application availability changes to “waitlist only.”  


Map and Booth space
An updated map that shows the remaining booth spaces can be viewed at the bottom of the application, or by following this link: https://www.eventeny.com/events/map/?id=14806&mid=11760.    
Please verify your booth placement requests compared to this updated map. Specific booth numbers may not be in the same placement as previous years due to changes in the map’s layout. As such, vendors who request the same booth number in years past may not have the same booth space.  
About Twin Cities Pride
Twin Cities Pride is the 501c3 charitable nonprofit organization that produces the annual LGBTQ+ Pride Festival, Parade, and other events. In addition, Pride sponsors other LGBTQ+ nonprofits including but not limited to MN Deaf Queers, MN POC Pride, and other Prides around the state.  
Twin Cities Pride is run primarily with the help of volunteers and a few full-time employees.  
The goal of Twin Cities Pride is always to create a safe and welcoming place for the LGBTQ+ community to gather and celebrate together. If you are part of a company, group, or organization that has actively worked against or physically harmed ANY members of the LGBTQ+ community then Pride is not the space for you.    
We welcome vending businesses and organizations who affirm and support our mission. Twin Cities Pride wishes to create an environment that celebrates the gathering of a community, while remembering our history and all who have gathered before us:     
Twin Cities Pride seeks to empower every LGBTQ+ person to live as their true self and to create a future where all LGBTQ+ people are valued and celebrated for who they are.  

The Pride celebration commemorates and continues the fight against discrimination and ongoing struggle for equality faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons and their families.    
While we would like to encourage and support all organizations to create a more inclusive and diverse space, merely having members of the LGBTQ+ community employed does not qualify an organization or person as being supportive or an ally. Twin Cities Pride recognizes that it is our actions that show the world our values and will keep this in mind when considering what vendors will be approved for the upcoming festival and other events throughout the year. As such, if you are involved in any way with a group, company, or organization that has engaged in missions or activities that sought to harm or restrict the LGBTQ+ community in any way during the last 5 years but are taking steps to become more inclusive and supporting, please reach out to Andi Otto, Executive Director, before completing an application to discuss the best steps for you and your organization to take to become better allies to the LGBTQ+ community.   

Application Process
The application will be submitted with a credit card or ACH and only the $50 application fee and 6.5% payment processing fee will be charged at that time.  This application fee is non-refundable for any reason.  Each application will be juried on a first-come first-serve basis while giving consideration to the menu and the experience that we seek to provide for the festival attendees.  
Acceptance to Twin Cities Pride includes, but is not limited to, the following criteria:   

  • Proposed menu (quality, pricing, uniqueness)   
  • Past Twin Cities Pride experience  
  • Commitment to and support of the LGBTQ community  
  • Sustainability Practices 
  • Other outdoor event experience  
  • Booth size and power requirements 
  • Level of professionalism  
  • Agreement to conform to established procedures.  
  • Honesty in reporting prior sales data. 

Time frame of application review

Applying and receiving a confirmation email after you have completed the application DOES NOT mean you have been accepted, just that your application has been received. Applications will be approved, rejected, or waitlisted within 2 weeks of application submission. 


Auto charge after approval

If approved as a booth vendor, you will be automatically charged the remaining fees associated with the selections you made during the application process along with a 6.5% payment processing fee. Once approved you will have 2 weeks to provide the Proof of Liability Insurance (COI) or your status as approved will be CANCELLED and NO REFUND will be provided. You may also cancel your registration during this time and receive a refund of the remaining fees (less any payment processing fees). 

What will you need to provide while completing an application?  

  • ST-19
  • COI
  • Minneapolis seasonal or short-term food permit
  • Photos of food unit  
  • Product description- Menu
  • Food unit dimensions  
  • Power Information

All vendors are required to submit a completed ST-19 with correct 2025 dates at the time of completing their application, or it will be automatically waitlisted until the document is provided. An ST-19 is required from ALL vendors, whether they intend to sell any merchandise during the festival or not. Please note that the requested booth spaces will not be held while awaiting properly completed documentation. 

COI/ Proof of insurance
 ALL exhibitors and food vendors are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance that meets the listed requirements within two weeks of their application being approved or their approval may be withdrawn, with no refund of any fees provided.  
Certificates of Insurance must prove General Liability coverage of $1,000,000 or more.  
Certificates of Insurance must list Twin Cities Pride as an additional insured, including its current legal business address. 
Certificates of Insurance must Be valid for the dates of the festival listed above.

Address for your providers: 

Twin Cities Pride, 1618 Harmon Place, Minneapolis, MN 55403.  

Minneapolis Seasonal and Short-Term Permits 
Seasonal and short-term food permits are valid only for two locations. If you apply for a third location, you will need to submit an additional seasonal or short-term permit. 

Minneapolis short-term Permit
If you are applying for a Minneapolis short-term permit, we require the document to be filled out and submitted before your application is approved.

 If You are applying for a short-term Minneapolis food permit for the Twin Cities Pride  Festival, Twin Cities Pride will submit it to the City of Minneapolis on your behalf.   Note- There will be a nonrefundable $100 filing fee for short term permits assigned  when the application is approved. 

Minneapolis Seasonal Permit
If you are applying for a Minneapolis seasonal food permit, we understand that Minneapolis takes time to get those permits, but If we have not received a short term permit before May 15th you may be required to submit a short-term permit or you will not be allowed to vend at the festival. 

Photos of food unit
We are looking for good photos of all sides of the food unit, this will help us with the application process.  


Product description- menu
Please include price information, this will be submitted to Clover directly and they will enter your menu based off the data provided. We would prefer you to submit this in a excel format it makes it easier to import to clover, but will accept pictures, PDF exc...

Focus on what you do best and keep your menu to a few items. If you need to make menu changes, please contact us before May 15th. After May 15th if you have menu changes the Clover reps will not enter the menus in for you. Please inform Twin Cities Pride of any changes needed. 

Beverages (New for 2025)
No vendor may sell or give away alcoholic or THC beverages. Twin Cities Pride will not have beverage booths; but will have Free water located in the ice booths. All food vendors will be allowed to sell beverages. Serving THC beverages or alcoholic beverages will result in removal from the festival.  

Booth (Truck/Trailer/Booth) Operations:
Vendors are responsible for leveling and setting up of your truck/trailer or booth in the park. Note- Please keep in mind that this event is in a park, and you may need to bring extra leveling materials. All materials, storage, and operations (including prep, cleanup and back of house) must occur within the booth space. Closer to the event, more information regarding location, set-up and operating procedures will be provided. You are responsible for the removal of surplus products, booth parts, trash, pallets, grease, gray water charcoal, etc. Failure to do so will result in additional fees being assessed and may prevent you from being accepted again in the future. A health inspector from the City of Minneapolis will be on-site throughout the festival. All food vendors must fully comply with any directives provided by the health inspector.  

We may limit the number vendors who serve similar food items.  
Each Food Vendor will be limited to a maximum of three locations.  

Food Unit Dimensions
The dimensions of your food unit are important, we try to get as many food vendors into the park as possible. If you do not give us accurate dimensions to your food unit, we cannot guarantee that your unit will fit into the park, and we may not be able to accommodate, and you may be asked to leave. 

Power/ Electricity

Power Rental is Required in all food courts: 

  • Stonewall (Purple Section with beer garden)
  • P2P (Blue Section - lakeside and hillside locations)
  • Loring (Yellow Section near beer garden)
  • Harmon (Pink Section - along Harmon Place)  

Vendors using electricity will be charged a $650 service fee (per location / per 50-amp connection). The service fee will provide you with either standard plug-in receptacles or a 50-amp trailer connection per location, and you will need to bring your own connector. As part of your application, we will need a photo of the connector or plug that your unit will need. We will also need to know how many amps you will be using. Vendors using electricity must provide accurate information about ALL equipment to be powered in their application. Twin Cities Pride is not responsible for outages. A licensed electrician will be on-site throughout the festival. All food vendors must be at their booth space at 9 AM Friday to facilitate the electrical inspector’s compliance inspection OR provide a copy of their annual State inspection approval document with their application.  
No Portable Generators will be allowed in either park. Portable Generators will only be used by TC Pride for Operations & Sponsors when tapping into larger electrical systems are not available.  
Use Of Sound
Prior approval will be needed for any booths planning to play music or any other sound. No amplified sound is allowed, excluding the Pride Festival stages. The maximum for vendor booth sound is 65 decibels at 50 feet with PRIOR approval from Festival Staff.  

Clover POS System
By applying, you agree to use the POS system that Twin Cities Pride will provide to you upon check-in at the festival. In addition to booth/space fees, all food vendors are required to pay 20% of gross after-tax sales (both cash and credit) to Pride, as we must pay the Minneapolis Park Board a percentage of all sales occurring during the festival. Vendors will also be responsible for the transaction charges from clover. The Clover Processing fees for 2025 are 2.35% and $0.09 cents per transaction. These per-transaction fees will be deducted from your payout during the checkout process.  
If you need four or more clover devices per booth a $100 fee will be added to cover the cost of the additional devices.  


Sustainability Practices
As we work toward becoming a zero-waste event, we will be requiring food vendors to use compostable products.  
You will be asked to provide information about your sustainability practices. 
NOTE: Styrofoam products are not allowed at Twin Cities Pride.  
Load-Out Process
To ensure the safety of attendees leaving the park, NO vehicles are allowed to enter the park before 7:00pm Sunday. Food vendors, box trucks and oversized vehicles will NOT be allowed to enter OR exit the park until after 8:00pm Sunday.  
How do I know if I am approved? What if I am not?
A confirmation email will be sent upon your completion of the application, with instructions for providing any additional documentation required. This email is not a statement of your application being approved, only that it has been received. You will receive an additional email within two weeks that will inform you if your application has been approved, waitlisted, or rejected.  
Vendors who are waitlisted due to incorrect or missing documentation will have their applications reviewed upon providing the correct documentation. A vendor waitlisted for missing documentation may not receive their preferred booth placement as availability will be based upon their approval date, not available spaces at time of application.  

Vendors who are waitlisted due to a lack of space or multiple similar vendors already having been approved will be contacted if a space opens prior to the festival, before their application is approved, to verify if they still wish to participate or if their availability has changed. We will post a notice at the top of the application when registration changes to “waitlist only.”   
Upon your application being approved, you will have two weeks in which you can cancel and receive a refund of all fees charged, aside from the application fee and any payment processing fees.  

Failure to provide your Certificate of Insurance or other required documentation within two weeks of your application being approved may result in your application being withdrawn, with no fees being refunded.  

Additional Charges and Fees 
Violations of Twin Cities Pride rules and regulations including leaving your space clean may result in additional fees being charged, exclusion from participation, both during the event and in following years. We do not require a security deposit however the following fees may be assessed.  
A charge of $100 will be assessed if you do not check-in upon arriving at the park.  


Your Listing in Lavender’s Magazine Pride Section
Twin Cities Pride is collaborating with Lavender Magazine to create special 2025 Twin Cities Pride section in Lavender's June 15, 2025, issue. All Twin Cities Pride booth vendors, registered and approved before April 20th, will receive a complimentary listing in this issue. These listings will feature the name of the organization and business vendors and will be categorized alphabetically by color-coded location within the park.  
Towards the end of this application, you also can express your interest in purchasing an ad in Lavender’s May 31, 2025, and/or June 12, 2025, Pride issues. A portion of these ad sales will benefit Twin Cities Pride.  

A charge of $500 will be assessed if the trash is not removed from your area and taken to dumpsters. (large dumpsters NOT patron trash bins)  
A charge of $2000 will be assessed if the Clover POS system is not returned.  
Your Listing in Lavender’s Magazine Pride Section 
Twin Cities Pride is collaborating with Lavender Magazine to create special 2025 Twin Cities Pride section in Lavender's June 15, 2025, issue. All Twin Cities Pride booth vendors, registered and approved before April 20th, will receive a complimentary listing in this issue. These listings will feature the name of the organization and business vendors and will be categorized alphabetically by color-coded location within the park.  

Towards the end of this application, you also can express your interest in purchasing an ad in Lavender’s May 31, 2025, and/or June 12, 2025, Pride issues. A portion of these ad sales will benefit Twin Cities Pride.  


Please Expand the Show More below to see more details
The following application is for the 2025 TWIN CITIES LGBTQ+ PRIDE PARADE.

We are excited to open applications for the Twin Cities LGBTQ+ Pride Parade, which will have the theme LIVE PROUD.

Please review the ENTIRE application BEFORE contacting the Pride office with any questions.

If you are having problems with errors submitting your application contact support@eventeny.com, or use the contact form at https://help.eventeny.com/hc/en-us/requests/new 
2025 Twin Cities LGBTQ+ Pride Parade
Sunday, June 29, 2025, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Central Time)

Space in the Parade is very limited - there will be a maximum of 90 paid units. Due to the high level of interest in Parade participation, we use an adjudicated system to select participants.
The process will work as follows:
Prospective participants submit an application that MUST include a detailed description of their proposed Parade entry and verifiable examples of their support for the LGBTQ+ community. The application will be submitted with a credit card or ACH and only the application fee and payment processing fee will be charged at that time.

A jury will review all timely submitted applications and select participants based on several factors, including, but not limited to: Community Support; Alignment to the Mission of Twin Cities Pride; Type of Organization; Visual Presence; and Amplified Sound balance.
If Selected/Approved you will be automatically charged the Participation fee(s) associated with the selections you made during the application process along with the payment processing fee.
Non-selected/Rejected applicants may have the opportunity to revise their unit description and reapply in the unlikely event that spaces remain.

Timeline: This application is due no later than March 31. Applications will be approved or rejected within 2 weeks of the close of the application period.
ALL applicants will be charged a one-time $50 non-refundable application fee + 6.25% processing fee(s) to be considered for a position. 

UNIT SIZE  (NOTE:  Candidates, Political Entities/Parties, and Current Office Holders are LIMITED to 1 Unit):

1 Unit:  1 Float with NO Marchers OR up to 35 Marchers with NO Float or Vehicle OR up to 20 Marchers with 1 Float or Vehicle.

2 Units: 36-70 Marchers with NO Float or Vehicle OR up to 40 Marchers with 1 Float or Vehicle. 
If the applicant is approved, the Per Unit Participation Fee(s) are as follows and will be charged, along with the processing fee, via the same process as the application fee:
*$250 **Community Groups and Nonprofits with fewer than 50 employees (This may also include ERGs that are separate nonprofit organizations from their parent company and some government entities)
*$900  Businesses and all other Nonprofits Corporations, Companies, Businesses, Nonprofits with more than 50 Employees, or Employee Groups of such entities
*$850  Candidates for Local or State Office
*$850  Political Entities/Parties or Candidates for Federal Office
*$0      Current Officeholders not seeking reelection
**A limited number of $100 Partial Fee Waivers are available to small nonprofits and community groups. Partial Fee Waivers will apply only to the Participation Fee, not the non-refundable $50 application fee.
*Applying and receiving a confirmation email after you’ve completed the application DOES NOT mean you have been accepted, only that your application has been received.
ALL Participants who include a motorized vehicle in their Parade Contingent are required to provide Vehicle Insurance information.
The Parade starts at 3rd ST & Hennepin AV and proceeds down Hennepin to Spruce then into Loring Park.
Locations for the grandstands and parade judges have not yet been determined.

About Twin Cities Pride 
Twin Cities Pride is the 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization that produces the annual LGBTQ+ Pride Festival, March, and other events. In addition, Pride sponsors other LGBTQ+ nonprofits including but not limited to the MN Deaf Queers, MN POC Pride, and other Prides around the state. Twin Cities Pride is run primarily by volunteers and a few full-time employees. 
In 2025, the Twin Cities LGBTQ+ Pride Festival is estimated to bring in roughly 400,000 to 500,000 attendees. 

Other applications
Interested in applying:
1 active application

Please expand the "Show more" below to see more details About the application


We are excited to open applications to performing artists and invite you apply to share your talents at the 2025 Twin Cities Pride Festival.   


The following application is for Entertainment during Twin Cities Pride Festival, June 28-29, 2025 (2 days) in Loring Park.


The Entertainment application will open on January 15th 2025 and remain open until April 15th 2025. If needed, the application will re-open after the first round of applications have been reviewed. 


If you are having problems with errors submitting your application contact support@eventeny.com, or use the contact form at https://help.eventeny.com/hc/en-us/requests/new  


About Twin Cities Pride 


Twin Cities Pride is the 501c3 charitable nonprofit organization that produces the annual LGBTQ+ Pride Festival, March, and other events. In addition, Pride sponsors other LGBTQ+ nonprofits including but not limited to MN Deaf Queers, MN POC Pride, and other Prides around the state.


Twin Cities Pride is run primarily with volunteers and a few full-time employees.


The goal of Twin Cities Pride is always to create a safe and welcoming place for the LGBTQ+ community to gather and celebrate together.


NOTE: If you or your group has actively worked against or physically harmed ANY members of the LGBTQ+ community then Pride is not the space for you.  


We welcome performers who affirm and support our mission. Twin Cities Pride wishes to create an environment that celebrates the gathering of a community, while remembering our history and all who have gathered before us:   


  • Twin Cities Pride seeks to empower every LGBTQ+ person to live as their true self and to create a future where all LGBTQ+ people are valued and celebrated for who they are.
  • The Pride celebration commemorates and continues the fight against discrimination and ongoing struggle for equality faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer persons and their families.  

While we would like to encourage and support all performing groups to create a more inclusive and diverse space, merely having members of the LGBTQ+ community members does not qualify as being supportive or an ally. Twin Cities Pride recognizes that it is our actions that show the world our values and will keep this in mind when considering what performers will be approved for the upcoming festival and other events throughout the year. As such, if you are involved in or in any way has engaged in missions or activities that sought to harm or restrict the LGBTQ+ community in any way during the last 5 years but are taking steps to become more inclusive and supporting, please reach out to Andi Otto, Executive Director, before completing an application to discuss the best steps for you and your organization to take to become better allies to the LGBTQ+ community.


Performers will be asked to provide lyrics whenever possible for our ASL interpreters.  If chosen to perform, all required documentation will be verified prior to payment. Documentation includes, W9, signed contract.


NOTE: failure to submit all required documentation could result in the forfeiture of your slotted performance time. 



QUESTIONS: If you have questions about this application or process please review the FAQ section of the TC Pride Website https://tcpride.org/festival-entertainment-apply/  If you have any questions not answered in the FAQ section listed above please contact us at entertainment@tcpride.org  

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Hosted by Twin Cities Pride
Joined Eventeny in September 2022
34 events
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
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