This is the vendor application for all vendors (except Bristow storefront businesses and wineries). Vendors will choose which category fits them from the following list:Food/Political/Sales/Drinks/Promotional/Non-Profit/Activities. Be sure to select the vendor type that includes electric if you need electricity to run your booth.
This is the vendor application for wine vendors. Tabouleh Fest will have a dedicated wine tasting where all wineries will set up. The festival will sell wine tasting tickets that allow customers to get into the wine tasting area, and then they are allowed to sample your wine (size of wine samples is up to you). You can have as many types of wine to sample and buy as you would like! As people taste the wines, they are also able to then purchase wine by the glass, bottle, or frozen wine from you if they want. The wine tasting hours are 10am-2pm! The Tabouleh Fest will also bring in judges to judge up to 3 wines of your choosing before the event begins at 10am. The judging will be on the day of at 9:30am. We will give awards that can be displayed during the Wine Tasting to indicate the Festival award winning wines.
*Being able to only sell to those WITH A BRACELET in the wine tasting area is a Bristow City Ordinance that CANNOT be broken. You may not sell to those who do not buy a wine tasting ticket. **We will sell up to 300 wine tasting tickets. That is the maximum amount to prepare for when considering free samples, although there could be less tickets sold. ***We will provide the area, but you are to provide your own tables, chairs, and tents.