2025 Ferndale Pride - Eventeny

2025 Ferndale Pride

Starts on Saturday, May 31st, 2025
Ferndale, Michigan, United States
Hosted by Ferndale Pride
Ferndale Pride logo
About the event
Ferndale Michigan hosts one of the largest LGBTQAI festivals in the state. 220 vendors line the streets of downtown, 3 stages of entertainment keep the crowds dancing, bars, restaurants and shops join in the fun creating a pride festival that has a little something for everyone. Vendors are open from 1:00-8:00pm but may stay open as late at the stages (10:00 p.m.) This year's event takes place on May 31, 2025.
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May 31, 2025 · 1:00 PM - May 31, 2025 · 10:00 PM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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Health & safety
Hand sanitizer provided throughout Free masks available at the volunteer check in We know you want to be at pride, but if you are feeling ill please message that you will be staying home. Thank you for taking care of your health and the health of our community.
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Interested in applying:
3 active applications
Deadline: May 31, 2025
Welcome Ferndale Pride Volunteers! Our event cannot happen without your help. You help us set up, keep the event running smoothly, and clean up after to keep Ferndale beautiful. Sign up with us to meet new people and learn about Ferndale and the Greater LGBTQAI Community. Or, sign up with a group of friends and create your own Super Volunteer Team! Almost every shift is two hours. Pick and work as many shifts as you like!
Deadline: May 31, 2025
Thank you for volunteering for Hugs for Ferndale Pride! You provide the most human service of all: validation through physical, compassionate touch. All Hugs Volunteers are required to wear the provided Hugs T-shirt. Masks are provided. Our non-gendered, non-binary t-shirts say, “Hugs, We Care,” on the front and, “You Matter,” on the back. This year's color is blue representing magic and art. T-Shirts provided by Jim Schaffer & Associates. You may wander throughout the Pride or may be assigned an area that needs coverage. Be aware that not everyone may want a hug. Some people may prefer a handshake, elbow bump, high five or just need a listening ear. The only exception to this is if someone is acting in a way that is making you uncomfortable. Then direct them to our tent. If protestors or other negative or unsupportive signs and behaviors are present, please report it to the Hugs or Volunteer Check-In booths. Unfortunately, protest and dissent is something the community has always had to deal with. It is important that we are able to help. If someone is acting in a way that is making you uncomfortable, direct them to our tent.
Help us unload the truck. We wipe down every box, pvc pipe etc, let it dry and stack it. It takes a while, we have to go in order that is specific so bring patience. Shaine and I usually are a comedy duo that day so you get that little bonus. We provide gloves, wipes etc. Please understand that your clothing may get dirty-dress accordingly.
Ferndale Pride logo
Hosted by Ferndale Pride
Joined Eventeny in April 2021
22 events
Ferndale, Michigan, United States
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