2025 Appleton Octoberfest - Eventeny

2025 Appleton Octoberfest

Starts on Saturday, September 27th, 2025
Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
Fox Cities Chamber logo
About the event
Food, fun, and philanthropy have defined Appleton’s Octoberfest for more than four decades. Since its inception in 1981, Appleton’s Octoberfest has reinvested nearly $3 million in local businesses and nonprofit organizations — making it a cornerstone of our community. More than 200,000 attendees say “Prost!” to this tradition each year.
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Sep 27, 2025 · 9:00 AM - Sep 27, 2025 · 6:00 PM(GMT-05:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
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Artists, vendors & exhibitors applications
Interested in applying:
2 active applications
Deadline: Jun 01, 2025

Thank you for your interest in being a food vendor at Octoberfest 2025! We are proud of the tradition this festival brings to the community and are thrilled to provide your organization with an opportunity to raise funds to advance your mission. This application is for Saturday, September 27, 2025, ONLY. All food vendors at Appleton's Octoberfest MUST either be a non-profit or must be partnered with a non-profit of their choice (and profit share for the day). This supports the community mission of this event, and attendees are used to searching for a non-profit to support.


Applications must be submitted AND approved before June 1, 2025 to be a vendor!


  • To ensure everyone receives the same information, NEW vendors MUST attend the in-person meeting and returning vendors are strongly encouraged to attend on Tuesday, August 19 from 4:00pm-5:30pm. Additional information will be sent out. 
    • A test is available for returning vendors, but we still encourage you to attend the one-hour meeting so that all expectations are clearly communicated.
  • Booths and trucks will be placed on the Avenue on a first come, first serve basis (First applied, approved, AND paid).
  • As part of our mission, all for-profits are required to partner with a non-profit of their choice and profit share for the day (amount should be approved between the two parties). Non-profit organizations MUST be within a 30-mile radius of the Fox Cities.
  • If a non-profit organization is working with a for-profit organization, there shall be at least one member of the non-profit organization present at the food stand during the duration of the event.
  • Non-profit organizations can sign up to be their own food booth at this event & keep 100% of proceeds (easy, finger foods always go over well!).

Please Note: You must have at least one person in your booth at all times who has attended the vendor meeting or has successfully passed the online test.


 There also must be at least one person present in the booth at all times from the nonprofit organization being represented. All booths are required to have prominent signage indicating the non-profit benefiting from working at the booth


All food vendors are responsible for obtaining the proper licensing from the Appleton Health Department, at their own expense. 


You should be prepared to be inspected the day of the event and any potential inspection fees incurred are the responsibility of the vendor.  You can find Health Department Food Stand Guidelines at the link below or by calling the Appleton Health Department directly (920) 832-6429:


Reminder: Starting in 2022, generators are permitted following the guidelines in the packet below: https://octoberfestonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2025-Vendor-Packet-.pdf 

Appleton’s Octoberfest takes place rain or shine on Saturday, September 27, 2025. Booth fees are due by June 4, 2025. The booth fee is non-refundable with the following exception:
In the event that Appleton’s Octoberfest is cancelled for any reason, booth fees may be refunded at the sole discretion of the Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. You are responsible for your own tent, tent weights, tables, chairs, and booth furnishings. Appleton’s Octoberfest begins at 9:00AM and continues until 6:00PM. You may begin to set up after 5:30AM (once the Appleton Police Department deems it safe to begin). All vehicles must be removed from the site by 8:00AM. Your booth must remain set up until the event ends and you cannot bring vehicles onto College Avenue until authorized by the Appleton Police Department, usually around 6:30PM. Please review the booth layout map to request your preferred location. Any special needs you may have we will do our best to accommodate. Fee is $165 per booth. You will have twelve feet (12′) of depth and each booth is twelve feet (12′) wide. Tent weights will be needed to secure booth

Fox Cities Chamber logo
Hosted by Fox Cities Chamber
Joined Eventeny in November 2023
13 events
Appleton, Wisconsin, United States
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