2023 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival - Eventeny

2023 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival

Starts on Friday, September 22nd, 2023
Berryville, Virginia, United States
About the event
Come celebrate the many facets of fiber the last full weekend of September. The festival is filled with opportunities and events focusing on all aspects of fiber and more! Classes on many different ways to use fiber will be offered. We will also have demonstrations, competitions, festival memorabilia, fleeces for sale, and more. Our vendors offer yarns, various raw and finished fibers, the animals they come from, buttons to spinning and weaving equipment, rugs and purses to hats and sweaters, jewelry, art, pottery, and many other lovely items!
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Sep 22, 2023 · 5:00 PM - Sep 24, 2023 · 4:00 PM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Parking instructions
From west-bound Business Rt. 7 through Berryville, after the traffic circle, turn right before the Taekwondo/Dance Studio. Follow the dirt road to get to parking. you show your ticket as you walk in. From east-bound Business Rt. 7, drive toward downtown, and use the traffic circle so you can make a right turn like the directions above! It's safer! There is a big SVFF sign opposite from the entrance off Business Rt. 7. Thanks to our Clarke County Sherriff's Office for their traffic assistance!
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Health & safety
We will follow the current protocols required by the CDC, Commonwealth of Virginia, and Clarke County, as applicable. If you are sick, please don't come! Email svffchairman@gmail.com for a ticket refund...or gift it to a friend!
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Event highlights
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Instructor Highlight - Brian Cooley
Brian Cooley’s fiber “story” is a true example of the value of SVFF training classes, after he started coming to SVFF to support his future wife (Festival Chair Bethany). Each year, Bethany would sign Brian up for a class to help fill classes and fill his schedule so he would not be bored, but the one class that really took was crochet. Since that 2-hour course, Brian has been an active hobby crocheter and has now started teaching beginning crochet in different venues, and has recently added courses on how to build grid level patterns that will work for common techniques like corner to corner crochet. Brian’s biggest flaw is he is bad about posting pictures to his Ravelry account after completing a project.
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Instructor Highlight - Dorothea Pierce
Dorothea Pierce has been knitting for over fifty years and spinning for over thirty. Her absolute favorite thing to do, EVER, is teach people how to spin and knit. She has taught 3 days spinning workshops, five-minute knitting tutorials, and everything in between. She owns a yarn store in Hardy Virginia (near Roanoke) and hosts the Skein Away Fiber Retreat at Smith Mountain Lake in the spring and fall of each year. IN her spare time, oh wait, she doesn’t have any! But she sure does have fun!!
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Instructor Highlight - Heather Storta
Heather is a TKGA-certified Master Knitter, Tech Editor and Knitting Instructor. She is the VP of Education on the board of directors for TKGA, the editor of TKGA’s monthly K2TOG newsletter, and a Co-Chair Emeritus of the TKGA Master Hand Knitting committee, as well as a member of the Cast On magazine editorial committee. She has been designing knitwear and teaching knitting for well over 15 years. Her designs have been published in Cast On magazine and Knitscene, as well as Knitty and elsewhere. Designing items that tickle her fancy, she loves designing socks, lace shawls, and Fair Isle, among other things. She also teaches up and down the east coast as well as nationally (and online!), and her focus is on giving knitters the skills and confidence needed to perfect their knitting and to knit complex or intimidating techniques. Heather resides in the Charlotte, NC area. When she is not knitting, designing, editing, or teaching, she can be found sewing, spinning yarn, reading, or in the outdoors camping and hiking with her family. She can be found online at www.heatherstorta.com.
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Instructor Highlight - Kim Garver
Kim Garver, educator knitting techniques/restorer of vintage sock knitting machines – fifteen years dedicated to teaching others in the fiber community. Qualifications: Fostering skills to enrich lives and learning, through the fiber arts community, is a continuing and integral part of my business. I am an internationally known sock knitting instructor and have a long history of teaching in the Fiber Arts field. I have been conducting workshops and teaching various “olden way” methods for 15 years. My successes in the Fiber community are the success of my students, it is a gift God gave me and one I fully embrace. I’ve taught workshops throughout the mid-west and eastern regions of the United Sates for different organizations and fairs relegated to the fiber community. I have conducted live international webinars for the last three years and have a number of students who have travelled from Japan, Germany and England to attend my in-person workshops. I am flattered to be a world-renowned educator for vintage style techniques and machines.
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Instructor Highlight - Jen Parroccini
Jen Parroccini is a designer, grader, and consultant. She works 1:1 with knitters and designers to ensure that garments fit as intended on ALL bodies. As a designer, she gravitates towards lightweight, wearable pieces with fine finishing. Jen lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with her husband, daughter, and puppy.
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Instructor Highlight - Jolie Elder
Jolie has explored a wide range of needle arts after learning to cross stitch at age four. She designs, teaches, spins, and stunt knits in the Atlanta area where she demystifies the obscure. She has served on the boards of Atlanta Knitting Guild, North Georgia Knitting Guild, Southeast Fiber Arts Alliance, and Center for Knit and Crochet. She has published in PLY, Spin-Off, and Cast On. Her cleverest unvention is a method for working stockinette-based laces reversibly. You can view her experiments at jolieaelder.blogspot.com and YouTube channel “Jolie knits.”
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Instructor Highlight - M Theresa Brown
M Theresa Brown is a career artist whose long art career embraces many areas of the Arts. She studied printmaking and color work at East Carolina University which led her to explore the fiber arts. Using many similar skills and accumulated knowledge, she evolved as a hand painter, felter and ecoprinter on natural fibers. She uses natural dyes and low impact synthetic dyes and merges them into unique, beautiful designs on silk, wool, paper and even leather. She turns her transformed work into artisanal clothing, accessories and art. Her articles and designs in the fiber arts have appeared in international publications such as "No Serial Number" and "Belle Armoire". She has created many “How to “ Dvd’s and ebooks in the visual arts in conjunction with the national art chain, Jerrysartarama . She has been an instructor at many fiber art shows including Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival, Southeastern Animal Fiber Fest, Carolina Fiber Fest, Kentucky Sheep and Fiber Festival, Michigan Fiber Fest and many upcoming new venues. She and her artist husband, Stephen Filarsky reside in rural NC with their alpacas, chickens and family dogs!
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Instructor Highlight - Margo Lehman
Margo Lehman is a visual artist working predominantly in oil and felted wool. A lifelong doodler and crafter, she feels at home in both the worlds of fine art and craft and is happiest when she gets to combine the two. Her artworks, both in paint and in fiber, have been shown throughout the US and have won many awards.
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Instructor Highlight - Melissa Weaver Dunning
Melissa Weaver Dunning is a hand-weaver, spinner and knitter with over 40 years of experience working on antique equipment to recreate 18th and 19th century home produced textiles. She began her textile study with Scottish master weaver Norman Kennedy in 1980, and carries on this rich tradition in her own teaching. Melissa is an avid tartan and linen weaver, a compulsive knitter and a lover of wool who enjoys sharing her passion for weaving and spinning with students. She is also a ballad singer, specializing in the ballads and songs of Ireland, Scotland and England from before Napoleon’s time.
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Instructor Highlight - Q Wirtz
Liza Q. Wirtz, better known as Q (aka the Chief Feline), runs multifaceted fiber-arts business the Foldout Cat from her home studio in Alabama with the frequent and welcome assistance of her partners and the help of a fluctuating number of cats. Having spent several past lives in other occupations–including bookseller, lawyer, and professional singer–Q now works fulltime towards earning her living as an artist and a creative. Q teaches freestyle weaving, art-batt carding, and basic experiential spinning with the same philosophy that infuses her praxis: create from your heart, make what gives you joy, and put beauty into the world. She wholeheartedly believes that everyone's an artist and that giving people access to fiber-arts tools and learning lets them prove it to themselves. Q also makes and sells one-of-a-kind art batts built from the Foldout Cat's unique Batt Buffet, hand-dyed microbatch yarn and fiber, handspun yarn, finished fiber-arts items, and simple fiber-arts tools. She has taught, vended, or both at fiber events in multiple states, including Arkansas, Colorado, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.
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Instructor Highlight - Sami Yuhas
Sami Yuhas is the founder of Good Water and Co., a mother-daughter team based in State College, PA, producing waxed canvas, as well as naturally-dyed and hand embroidered project bags and accessories. An instructional designer by day, her passion is the study of “women’s work” and fiber arts and the reproduction and preservation of historical fashion and textile periodicals. She first joined the SVFF community in 2020 and has been a proud vendor ever since.
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Instructor Highlight - TJ King
TJ, aka the Peahen, is part of the dynamic spinning and spindle making duo The Spanish Peacock. She has been spinning for almost 20 years and finds true joy inspiring and teaching others about the art of spinning with a supported spindle. When she's not spinning she's creating content for her blog, vlog, and podcast.
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Tickets & Classes
Price: $5.00-120.00
General Admission to Attend SVFF In Person One-Day cover picture
General Admission to Attend SVFF In Person One-Day
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+ Processing fees: $0.64
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 10:00 am - Sep 24, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 24th, 2023 at 4:00 pm EDT
This is the general admission price per person for everyone 12 years and older. Children under age 12 are admitted free of charge. This ticket is valid for one day only. If you plan to come both days, please buy two tickets. Show your ticket at the admission gate as you arrive. You will receive a free door-prize ticket with paid entry as well as the event program booklet. Additional raffle tickets available to purchase at the info tent. ***People taking classes at SVFF receive free entry for the day of their class.***
Ecoprint Naturally on Silk and Wool, with M Theresa Brown,  Friday 9am-4pm cover picture
Ecoprint Naturally on Silk and Wool, with M Theresa Brown, Friday 9am-4pm
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+ Processing fees: $7.54
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 22, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Learn how to ecoprint on silk and wool naturally! Ecoprinting (also known as botanical printing) involves collecting leaves, plants and flowers to imprint their images directly upon protein fibers using a water bath process. Students will learn techniques to create beautiful, natural designs with colors drawn directly from Nature on silk and wool. At the end of the day, students will take home their silk and wool ecoprinted samples and the knowledge to continue Ecoprinting from Nature's resources. Ecoprinting is a natural, sustainable art form. Materials fees cover all equipment (turkey roasters, dowels, twine, baskets, scissors, paper dowels, latex gloves, plastic) mordants, 1 hemmed silk scarf and 1 unhemmed wool scarf, Workshop summary and resources sheet, mordant mixing instructions. Students should bring leaves from their area with emphasis on high tannin leaves such as oak, maples, rose, hickory, sumac and interesting weeds. Fun additional plants (usually store bought) are eucalyptus and colorful flowers such as carnations, gerber daises. No thick plants. One gallon water jug to use as a weight. This class does require lots of standing. This class time allows for a 1-hour lunch break. There is a refrigerator where you can store a packed lunch if you'd like.
Introduction to Spinning with Dorothea Pierce, Friday 9am - Noon cover picture
Introduction to Spinning with Dorothea Pierce, Friday 9am - Noon
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+ Processing fees: $3.78
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 5:00 pm - Sep 24, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Learn the ancient and timeless art of spinning. Students will start on a drop spindle to learn basic skills, and then move onto a wheel if they wish. Easy to learn and so rewarding, this is a class you will enjoy and a skill you will learn to love. The class includes an introduction to fiber characteristics, basic spinning skills, and hands on assistance from a spinner with more than twenty years’ experience in teaching spinning. Materials fee covers: Fiber. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. Students should bring a sense of humor and a bit of patience. If a student wishes to bring a wheel from home to use in class, they should plan to arrive at class at least ten minutes early to allow the instructor to approve the wheel. Students with wheels that are deemed non-functioning will not be able to spin with them in class.
Now How Do I Finish? with Jolie Elder, Friday 9am - noon cover picture
Now How Do I Finish? with Jolie Elder, Friday 9am - noon
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 22, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Seams can bedevil even the best knitter and make a great project merely good. Tame the beast now! In this class students will seam stockinette stitch, garter stitch, and ribbing in pattern. We’ll practice grafting for sock toes, and end with two different versions of three-needle bind off. There is no materials fee. Student minimum age: 12 Bring: homework swatch still on the needles blunt tapestry needle for sewing seams contrasting waste yarn crochet hook (optional but possibly helpful) Homework directions here: https://jolieaelder.blogspot.com/p/now-how-do-i-finish.html Skills needed: know how to knit and purl, work in the round
Quick Beginning Crochet with Brian Cooley, Friday 9am - 11am cover picture
Quick Beginning Crochet with Brian Cooley, Friday 9am - 11am
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+ Processing fees: $2.59
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 22, 2023 11:00 am EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Have you wanted to learn how to crochet? Brian can teach you the basics of how to get started and share his favorite resources to get you started and more confident. Materials fee includes worsted yarn and hook. Student minimum age: 12
Sweaters That Fit with Heather Storta, Friday 9am - Noon cover picture
Sweaters That Fit with Heather Storta, Friday 9am - Noon
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 22, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Have you ever knitted a sweater that ended up not fitting nicely? You matched gauge, and followed the pattern precisely, and it ended up too tight in the bust, or way too loose, or with armholes that were too deep? You are not alone!! There are some key measurements to look for - not only in the pattern you want to knit, but on your own body - that can make or break how the finished sweater fits you. Learn what to look for in a pattern to minimize these disappointments, how to choose the correct size to knit, and how and where to modify a pattern to end up with a sweater you adore! Bring to class: Sweater pattern (optional), tape measure, pencil, paper. Optional: a blocked gauge swatch for your desired sweater pattern. There are no materials fees for this class. Student minimum age: 18
Fantastic Felted Flowers with Margo Lehman, Friday 11am-2pm cover picture
Fantastic Felted Flowers with Margo Lehman, Friday 11am-2pm
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+ Processing fees: $4.72
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 11:00 am - Sep 22, 2023 2:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Make some art with the whole family! Join Margo Lehman for a fun beginner’s session on wet felting (the process of blending wool using soap and water to make fabric). In this three-hour workshop, you’ll learn the principles of wet felting while creating two unique fantasy flowers to make into a brooch, napkin ring or other decorative item. Using fine wool, silk, bamboo and other fibers you’ll learn how to lay out and hand-felt a stunning flower like a poinsettia, lily, daffodil or moonflower using soap and water, bubble wrap and a little bit of elbow grease. Students should come in comfortable clothes that will most likely get wet and be able to stand for short periods of time. Materials fees included in registration cost and include: bubble wrap, wool, silk, use of tools, and soap. Bring to class: two full sized towels and a plastic bag to take them home. No homework. Students will need to be able to stand for short periods of time. Students need to be prepared to get wet! Minimum student age: 8 (with parental/guardian supervision, please)
Corner-to-Corner Crochet (C2C) with Brian Cooley, Friday Noon - 2pm cover picture
Corner-to-Corner Crochet (C2C) with Brian Cooley, Friday Noon - 2pm
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+ Processing fees: $2.59
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 12:00 pm - Sep 22, 2023 2:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Corner-to-corner (C2C) crochet has increased in popularity. In this class you'll learn how to change colors while doing the C2C technique, including increasing, decreasing, and finishing. Materials fee includes worsted yarn, hook, and pattern. Student minimum age: 12
Designing Corner-to-Corner (C2C) Crochet with Brian Cooley, Friday 2pm-4pm cover picture
Designing Corner-to-Corner (C2C) Crochet with Brian Cooley, Friday 2pm-4pm
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+ Processing fees: $2.59
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 2:00 pm - Sep 22, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
In this advanced workshop, Brian will cover his tips & tricks for designing your own corner-to-corner (C2C) crochet project. This course builds upon the previous course taught, but that is not a pre-requisite. Feel free to have a design in mind, or work on a new idea in class. While the classis slated for two hours, students are invited to stay to work on their projects and join the festival volunteers, instructors, and vendors in a potluck dinner. Materials fee includes worsted yarn, hook, and graph paper. Student minimum age: 12
Gettin' Batty with It: Art-Batt Tools and Techniques with Q, Friday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Gettin' Batty with It: Art-Batt Tools and Techniques with Q, Friday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $6.91
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Non-Refundable Ticket
This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 22, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
What is an art batt? How might you make one? What can you do with it, and why would you want to? How does a dog comb come into the fiber-prep picture? And what in the world is a rolag? Come card with Q and learn answers to those questions–and more. Yes, we ARE batty for batts–and we think you will be as well! Students will leave with the basic skills needed to create art batts, knowledge of some handy creative-carding tools, and fibery clouds of various kinds designed using ingredients from the unique Foldout Cat Batt Buffet and created using hand cards, blending boards, and drum carders. Materials cost covers: Use of instructor's hand cards, blending boards, and drum carders; access to and use of instructor's Batt Buffet to design and create various multi-textured fiber preparations. The Foldout Cat Batt Buffet offers a variety of fibers for carding, including Merino and other wools, silk and sari silk, bamboo, Angelina, firestar, and more. Students will also go home with a pet-comb hand card/burnishing brush to keep. Blending boards used in class will be available for purchase if desired (not required!) at its conclusion. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. No participant-provided materials required: instructor will provide all tools and materials. Students just need to bring their willingness to experiment and explore! No homework prior to class. No prior knowledge of fiber prep in general or carding in particular needed to take this class, which is geared towards the beginner. Students must be tall enough to reach the drum carders and to treat them with the care both student and carder deserve, and must be able to focus for the duration of the class.
How to Choose a Fleece with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Friday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
How to Choose a Fleece with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Friday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $4.09
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 22, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Are you curious about working with wool fleece, but not sure where to start? This class will begin with a discussion about wool types, how to choose a good fleece, how to wash your new fleece and how to prepare the fiber for spinning or felting, followed by some hands-on experience at the fleece jurying for the festival. Materials cost covers handouts and a fleece sampler. Materials costs are included in registration. Some standing will be needed at the fleece tables and sorting fleeces can be messy so wear old clothes and/or bring an apron. Bring note taking tools. There is no homework. This class requires some standing, if needed bring a folding chair
Introduction to Drop Spinning with Dorothea Pierce, Friday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Introduction to Drop Spinning with Dorothea Pierce, Friday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.78
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 5:00 pm - Sep 24, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 22nd, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Learn how to create your own yarn using the timeless skill of drop spinning. In this introduction to drop spinning you will learn how to choose a fiber to spin, how to draft and apply appropriate twist, how to ply, and how to finish your yarn. Easy to learn and with practice can be a very meditative and peaceful pastime. Materials fee covers: Fiber. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. Students should bring a sense of humor and a bit of patience.
Macramé Basics with Kim Garver, Friday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Macramé Basics with Kim Garver, Friday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.59
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 22, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
This workshop will cover the basics of macramé. Learn different techniques to create a beautiful macramé plant hanger. Simple in design, perfect for a beginner who wants to create macramé crafts. Materials fee covers: Cording, wood ring, and beads. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration.
Mosaic Knitting with Heather Storta, Friday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Mosaic Knitting with Heather Storta, Friday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 22, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Mosaic knitting is a form of slipped-stitch knitting – which creates complicated two-color designs while only using one color per row. Not all slipped-stitch knitting is Mosaic knitting, however - it follows certain rules. We’ll learn the tricks and rules to Mosaic knitting and how to read Mosaic knitting charts while knitting a washcloth/trivet sampler. (Picture shows one possible finished item, a variety of patterns will be provided.) Worsted weight yarn in 2 contrasting colors (cotton yarn is best if you wish to use your finished project as a dishcloth). Working needles in size appropriate to yarn (size 7 or 8 will work for most knitters). No homework. There are no materials fees for this class. Student minimum age: 18
Oops! Now What Do I Do? with Jolie Elder, Friday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Oops! Now What Do I Do? with Jolie Elder, Friday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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Non-Refundable Ticket
This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 22, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
You too can be a knitting surgeon! This class will teach you how to fix mistakes. We will explore and practice how to use a lifeline, when to frog (i.e. rip back), when to tink (unknit backward), and when to drop stitches and pick them up. You’ll even practice how to correct an incorrectly crossed cable. This class is always empowering! There is no materials fee. Student minimum age: 12 Homework: swatch still on the needles — larger yarn, lighter color, and looser stitches preferred crochet hook non-slippery double-pointed needle waste yarn or dental floss for a lifeline blunt tapestry needle Directions for homework swatch are here: https://jolieaelder.blogspot.com/p/oops-now-what-do-i-do-homework.html Skills needed: know how to knit and purl, can read a pattern, cable
Your Handknit Wardrobe with Jen Parroccini, Friday 2pm - 5pm cover picture
Your Handknit Wardrobe with Jen Parroccini, Friday 2pm - 5pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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Non-Refundable Ticket
This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 22, 2023 2:00 pm - Sep 22, 2023 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Knit garments and accessories are a tremendous investment of resources. Time, energy, and yarn all add up! When you cast on, you want to be certain that you'll love - and WEAR - the result. This workshop is for knitters who want to build their wardrobe mindfully and with confidence, filling their lives with handknits that fit incredibly and get worn regularly. Together, we'll work through exercises and prompts to guide you through determining your needs, clarifying your style, and addressing fit, silhouette, and environmental needs. You'll create a focused, actionable plan for choosing and handknitting garments and accessories with immediate next steps, and you'll develop a framework for ongoing wardrobe evolution. Students should use their cell phones to photograph 1) their most worn garments - ready to wear or handmade 2) five of their favorite non-knitting things in their home 3) a few skeins of yarn they'd love to be knitting. Photos will be referenced on phones during class, no need to print. There are no materials fees for this class.
Ecoprint on Silk and Wool in Color, with M Theresa Brown, Saturday 9am-4pm cover picture
Ecoprint on Silk and Wool in Color, with M Theresa Brown, Saturday 9am-4pm
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+ Processing fees: $7.85
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 23, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Learn how to ecoprint on silk and wool and create a beautiful background in color! Ecoprinting (also known as botanical printing) involves collecting leaves, plants and flowers to imprint their images directly upon protein fibers using a water bath process. Students will learn techniques to create beautiful, natural designs with colors drawn directly from Nature as well as the techniques to create colored backgrounds on silk and wool. At the end of the day, students will take home both a silk and wool scarf ecoprinted in color and the knowledge to continue Ecoprinting from Nature's resources. Suitable for beginners Students should bring leaves from their area with emphasis on high tannin leaves such as oaks, maples, rose, hickory, sumac and interesting weeds. Fun additional plants (usually store bought) are eucalyptus and colorful flowers such as daisy type flowers. No thick plants. Materials costs are covered in the cost of class registration and covers all equipment use (turkey roasters, dowels, twine, baskets, scissors, paper dowels, latex gloves, plastic) mordants, use of dyes and dye blankets, 1 hemmed silk scarf and 1 unhemmed wool scarf, workshop summary sheet and mordant mixing instructions. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. Bring: Students should bring leaves from their area with emphasis on high tannin leaves such as oak, maples, rose, hickory, sumac and interesting weeds. Fun additional plants (usually store bought) are eucalyptus and colorful flowers such as daises. No thick plants. Equal time sitting and standing This class allows an hour for lunch. There is a refrigerator available for you to put any perishables.
Easy Reversible Cables with Jolie Elder, Saturday 9am - noon cover picture
Easy Reversible Cables with Jolie Elder, Saturday 9am - noon
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 23, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
If you’ve ever made a cabled scarf or blanket, you know how it is only partly satisfying. One side is an array of beautiful cables, and the other side is obviously the wrong side. What if there was a way to make both sides good without resorting to double-knitting? But there is! This class will cover simple reversible cables as well as ribbles and twists. Alas! These tricks don’t work for all types of cables; but we will look at when they can and can’t be applied. There is no materials fee. Student minimum age: 12 Bring: homework swatch in class yarn (smooth, non-splitting, light or bright or medium color) needles to work that yarn in ribbing cable needle a pin for marking the right side of your work Directions for homework swatch are here: https://jolieaelder.blogspot.com/p/easy-reversible-cables-homework.html Skills needed: know how to knit and purl, 1×1 and 2×2 ribbing and already know how to cable
Freestyle Weaving for the Creative Spirit with Q, Saturday 9am - Noon cover picture
Freestyle Weaving for the Creative Spirit with Q, Saturday 9am - Noon
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+ Processing fees: $6.91
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 23, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Weave your heart! Learn to weave freestyle and free-spirited on a simple floor loom. Honor your own inner sense of beauty and truth as you play with color, texture, and technique, and come away with a unique piece of woven art that reflects your creative spirit (yes, you absolutely do have one!). Students will learn the basic skills of freestyle weaving on a highly approachable, easy-to-use two-harness floor loom. The class will emphasize play, experimentation, and individual exploration of color and texture in the service of personal expression; a few simple weaving techniques will be taught along the way. Students will take home what they weave. Students just need to bring their willingness to experiment and explore--and to practice imperfection! Materials cost covers: Use of warped SAORI loom; use of associated tools (shuttles, bobbins, etc.); access to and use of a wide variety of different weaving materials, including yarn in various fibers, colors, and textures, embroidery floss, fabric scraps, fiber, trim, beads, wire, Mylar, etc. Each student will also get a bag of fibery treasures to keep; they can be used in class, in a future weaving, or both. And of course, students will take home whatever they weave! Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. No participant-provided materials required: instructor will provide all tools and materials. Students just need to bring their willingness to experiment and explore--and to practice imperfection! That said, if students want to bring something personally meaningful to them to incorporate into their weaving if possible, they're welcome--indeed, encouraged--to do so. Some past examples: specialty paper, pieces of jewelry (this is a fun use for unmatched earrings), student's handspun yarn (handspun of all sorts weaves up wonderfully), dyed or undyed fiber, leftover quantities of treasured yarn too small to knit or crochet a finished item with. No homework prior to class. Indeed, no previous experience with weaving required (though experienced weavers are as welcome as complete novices). Class is truly intended to be open to anyone who wants to try freestyle weaving, from the experienced weaver to the person who’s never even touched a loom before.
Introduction to Spinning with Dorothea Pierce, Saturday 9am - Noon cover picture
Introduction to Spinning with Dorothea Pierce, Saturday 9am - Noon
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+ Processing fees: $3.78
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 23, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Learn the ancient and timeless art of spinning. Students will start on a drop spindle to learn basic skills, and then move onto a wheel if they wish. Easy to learn and so rewarding, this is a class you will enjoy and a skill you will learn to love. The class includes an introduction to fiber characteristics, basic spinning skills, and hands on assistance from a spinner with more than twenty years’ experience in teaching spinning. Materials fee covers: Fiber. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. Students should bring a sense of humor and a bit of patience. If a student wishes to bring a wheel from home to use in class, they should plan to arrive at class at least ten minutes early to allow the instructor to approve the wheel. Students with wheels that are deemed non-functioning will not be able to spin with them in class.
Perfect Necklines (and more!) with Heather Storta, Saturday 9am - Noon cover picture
Perfect Necklines (and more!) with Heather Storta, Saturday 9am - Noon
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 23, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Necklines that look less than ideal can mar a finished sweater. The neckline frames your face and is front and center. Would you like to make sure they look the best they can? This workshop is for you! We will cover lots of tips and tricks for getting your necklines looking fabulous and polished. We'll cover some other tips that can make the top half of your sweaters shine as well! Homework swatch, Knitting needles (same needles as swatch, or one size smaller.) Yarn for "neckline" - in contrasting color if you wish. Homework swatch: Cast on 25 stitches and work in stockinette for 1 inch, ending with a WS row. BO 5 sts at the beginning of the next RS row, then work one WS row and BO 5 sts at the beginning of the next RS row once more. (15 sts) Work one WS row, then work a decrease row as follows (RS): K1, ssk, knit to end. Work a decrease row on each RS row four more times. (10 sts). Work in stockinette with no decreases for 2 inches. Bind off all sts. Block the swatch. (Please use a smooth, light-colored worsted weight yarn for ease of seeing your stitches.) There are no materials fees for this class. Student minimum age: 18
Traditional Wool Preparation with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Saturday 9am - noon cover picture
Traditional Wool Preparation with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Saturday 9am - noon
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $4.40
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 23, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
We will start at the sheep with sorting and grading fleece, moving on to washing, picking & carding with hand cards. Wool combing and preparation for worsted spinning and a unique approach to using the drum carder to produce small rolags will also be covered. Materials cost covers handouts and a fleece sampler. Instructor will have hand cards and a drum carder for use in class; students may bring hand cards if they have them. Materials costs are included in registration.
Fantastic Felted Flowers with Margo Lehman, Saturday 10am-1pm cover picture
Fantastic Felted Flowers with Margo Lehman, Saturday 10am-1pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $4.72
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 10:00 am - Sep 23, 2023 1:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Make some art with the whole family! Join Margo Lehman for a fun beginner’s session on wet felting (the process of blending wool using soap and water to make fabric). In this three-hour workshop, you’ll learn the principles of wet felting while creating two unique fantasy flowers to make into a brooch, napkin ring or other decorative item. Using fine wool, silk, bamboo and other fibers you’ll learn how to lay out and hand-felt a stunning flower like a poinsettia, lily, daffodil or moonflower using soap and water, bubble wrap and a little bit of elbow grease. Students should come in comfortable clothes that will most likely get wet and be able to stand for short periods of time. Materials fees included in registration cost and include: bubble wrap, wool, silk, use of tools, and soap. Bring to class: two full sized towels and a plastic bag to take them home. No homework. Students will need to be able to stand for short periods of time. Students need to be prepared to get wet! Minimum student age: 8 (with parental/guardian supervision, please)
Judging Patterns with Jen Parroccini, Saturday 10am - Noon cover picture
Judging Patterns with Jen Parroccini, Saturday 10am - Noon
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $2.21
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 10:00 am - Sep 23, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
How often have you knit a sweater from a pattern, only to find that it looks nothing like the modeled photos? Or to wear it, only to find that it's not designed with human bodies in mind? After taking this class, you'll be able to look at a pattern listing online and know what you can expect from the finished project. 1. How to find knitting patterns online 2. How to interpret the information provided by the designer 3. What to look for in the modeled photos 4. What to look for in other knitter's finished object photos 5. How to predict your fit There are no materials fees for this class.
Make Your Own 'Knit on the Go' Project Pocket with Sami Yuhas, Saturday 12pm - 4pm cover picture
Make Your Own 'Knit on the Go' Project Pocket with Sami Yuhas, Saturday 12pm - 4pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $5.66
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 12:00 pm - Sep 23, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Love to knit on the go? Come learn about the curious history of women, their knitting, and their pockets while making your own -- perfect for those on their knit fit journey! In this class, you'll create your own tie-on knitting pocket perfect for holding socks or other small projects using traditional hand-sewing and hand-embroidery techniques, while delving into the fascinating history of this forgotten accessory. Materials fee includes: Dyed linen, lining, hand sewing needle, embroidery floss, pattern, needle threader, notions to complete pocket Student minimum age: 16
Advanced Macramé Design with Kim Garver, Saturday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Advanced Macramé Design with Kim Garver, Saturday 1pm - 4pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $3.90
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 23, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Build your skills: design an intricate macrame hanging. Learn how to determine yardage and create beautiful projects with confidence. Materials fee covers: Your choice of cording, rings, and beads. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration.
Better Fitting Handknits with Jen Parroccini, Saturday 1pm - 3pm cover picture
Better Fitting Handknits with Jen Parroccini, Saturday 1pm - 3pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $2.21
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 23, 2023 3:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
In this class, students will learn how to take their measurements, how to choose a size by fitting top down, and receive a high level overview of making key fit adjustments, such as adding hip shaping or bust darts. There is no materials fee. Bring: Students should bring a tape measure and a knitting pattern they'd like to knit. Able to: can read a pattern, Basic understanding of knitting math - changing the rates of increase or decrease, etc.
Continuing Your Freestyle Journey with Q, Saturday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Continuing Your Freestyle Journey with Q, Saturday 1pm - 4pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $6.91
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 23, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Weave your joy! Maybe you’ve done a little weaving in the freestyle world, and you find it speaks to your heart. Now you’re ready to learn some new techniques to add to your freespirited toolbox as you continue down your weaving path. Invite this class into your life! Students will learn various ways to add creativity and personal expression to warp and weft as they weave the fabric of their heart on a highly approachable and easy-to-use two-harness floor loom. Supplemental warps, interlaid and interlocked shapes, rya knots, loops and worms, and more creative choices await! Materials cost covers: Use of warped SAORI loom; use of associated tools (shuttles, bobbins, etc.); access to and use of a wide variety of different weaving materials, including yarn in various fibers, colors, and textures, embroidery floss, fabric scraps, fiber, trim, beads, wire, Mylar, etc. Each student will also get a bag of fibery treasures to keep; they can be used in class, in a future weaving, or both. And of course, students will take home whatever they weave! Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. No participant-provided materials required: instructor will provide all tools and materials. Students just need to bring their willingness to experiment and explore--and to practice imperfection! That said, if students want to bring something personally meaningful to them to incorporate into their weaving if possible, they're welcome--indeed, encouraged--to do so. Some past examples: specialty paper, pieces of jewelry (this is a fun use for unmatched earrings), student's handspun yarn (handspun of all sorts weaves up wonderfully), dyed or undyed fiber, leftover quantities of treasured yarn too small to knit or crochet a finished item with. No homework prior to class. Indeed, no previous experience with weaving required (though experienced weavers are as welcome as complete novices). Class is truly intended to be open to anyone who wants to try freestyle weaving, from the experienced weaver to the person who’s never even touched a loom before. Students must be tall enough to reach the floor pedals on the looms and able to focus for the duration of the class. Students must be able to sit on a slightly padded keyboard bench for the duration of the class (don’t worry, the instructor will require regular stand-up breaks!).
The Gentle Art of Supported Spinning with TJ King, Saturday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
The Gentle Art of Supported Spinning with TJ King, Saturday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.78
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 23, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Learn the gentle art of spinning on a supported spindle. During this class, we will discuss different supported spindle types, fiber types and preparation, starting the spinning, spinning and drafting strategies, and plying. Following a brief lecture & show-and-tell, there will be hands-on practice, so students should bring their own supported spindles and bowls; instructor will bring additional tools to sample as time permits. Students should have at least basic experience drafting and spinning. Materials fee covers: Fiber & leader to use during the class Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. The student should bring their own supported spindle and bowl. The student should have the ability to draft fiber and have prior spinning experience on other tools. Student minimum age: 16
Introduction to Hand Spindles with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Saturday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Introduction to Hand Spindles with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Saturday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.78
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 23, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Learn the ancient and timeless art of spinning. Students will start on a drop spindle to learn basic skills, and then move onto a wheel if they wish. Easy to learn and so rewarding, this is a class you will enjoy and a skill you will learn to love. The class includes an introduction to fiber characteristics, basic spinning skills, and hands on assistance from a spinner with more than twenty years’ experience in teaching spinning. Materials fee covers: Fiber. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration.
Liberating the Labyrinth with Jolie Elder, Saturday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Liberating the Labyrinth with Jolie Elder, Saturday 1pm - 4pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $3.15
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 23, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Are you ready for some stunning stunt knitting? Would you like to knit an entire sweater in only 10 or 20 rows? This class will walk you through how to knit labyrinth fabric based on the work of Debbie New. This fabric can show off multicolored yarns to wonderful effect and create kaleidoscopic effects from Fair Isle patterns. Additionally, we will consider under-explored implications including hexagonal labyrinths, lace labyrinths, and side-to-side labyrinths. Impress your knitting friends and yourself! Skill level is advanced. Prerequisite: Must have experience with mitered squares. Must know how to work a double decrease (three stitches become one) and a double increase (one stitch becomes three). If you have never made mitered squares, please make the two optional homework swatches (directions here), which are a decreasing mitered square and an increasing mitered square. Know how you like to use markers so you can reliably work a double decrease or a double increase without the line "drifting." What you will learn: how to plan a labyrinth project how to knit a right-turning labyrinth how to knit a left-turning labyrinth how to join it all together tips and tricks for keeping track as you work Students receive a handout in booklet form and the patterns for Twist & Turn Cube and Zig-Zag Cube. There is no materials fee. Student minimum age: 12 Bring: class yarn (smooth, non-splitting, light or bright or medium color); multiple colors of yarn or long-print yarns are especially fun in this technique. a long (40- or 60-inch) circular or interchangeable needle you like with this yarn stitch markers in at least two colors crochet hook Homework: Know your favorite double-increase (turn one stitch into three) and double-decrease (turn three stitches into one) and how you like to use stitch markers at those points. Please take a few minutes to practice both of those before class if it has been awhile since you have used either technique. If you have never made mitered squares, please work one increasing mitered square and one decreasing mitered square. Directions for homework practice are here: https://jolieaelder.blogspot.com/p/liberating-labyrinth.html
A Sampling of Shawl Shapes with Heather Storta, Saturday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
A Sampling of Shawl Shapes with Heather Storta, Saturday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 23, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
There are so many shawl shapes out there! Join us as we go over the most common shapes, and how to achieve those shapes. We'll also go over tips and tricks for ideal cast ons, bind offs, and edge treatments for each of the different shapes. Paper and pencil. Yarn and appropriately sized needles. (circular needles or dpns will be most useful, to allow for in the round swatching, if desired.) No homework. There are no materials fees for this class. Student minimum age: 18
Wheel Spinning - Next Steps with Dorothea Pierce, Saturday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Wheel Spinning - Next Steps with Dorothea Pierce, Saturday 1pm - 4pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $3.78
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 23, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 23, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
You have a wheel, and you can spin a basic single ply yarn, but it takes longer than it should, and you aren’t sure what to do next. Don’t worry! There is more out there – if you are excited to learn take that next step NOW! Learn back draw and forward draw, and the famous long draw! We will practice some different plying techniques, venture a tiny bit down the art yarn path, and work on finishing techniques as well. -Up your wheel spinning game in a safe environment with a teacher who has been spinning for decades. Materials cost covers: Fiber and color options. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. Please bring a functioning wheel that you are comfortable using and at least three bobbins of different color singles. No specific length of singles (half bobbin or a less is fine) just a gracious plenty to be able to practice different plies. Bring at least two ounces of two different colors of roving to use when practicing some art yarn techniques. Suggested for class: if you have multiple roving colors bring some and you can trade with others to create fun yarns. The instructor will be bringing some for you to use, but more is always better. If you have a lazy kate, bring it, if not bring a shoe box, and if you don’t have that, don’t worry we will fix you up! Students must be able to spin a continuous yarn.
Ecoprint on Lambskin Leather, with M Theresa Brown, Sunday 9am-4pm cover picture
Ecoprint on Lambskin Leather, with M Theresa Brown, Sunday 9am-4pm
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+ Processing fees: $7.85
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 24, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Learn how to ecoprint on lambskin leather naturally as well as create a beautiful background in color! Ecoprinting (also known as botanical printing) involves collecting leaves, plants and flowers to imprint their images directly upon their leather. Students will learn: • Leather-everything you need to know to understand, locate, select and work with leathers that accept ecoprinting no matter where you live! • Equipment-what you need and how to use it (most of which you already have! • Plants-All about plants, leaves, weeds and flowers and using them on Leather • Mordants- descriptions and ratios • Dyes- easy to use selections for permanent results • Care - and conditioning of your leather • Sources for leather, dyes and mordants and tools (in US and online) At the end of class students will leave with 2 samples (approx. 8” x 18”) of ecoprinted lambskin leather both naturally ecoprinted and in color and the rest of the hide with the ability to continue the process with the knowledge learned in the workshop. Beginner friendly Materials costs are covered in the cost of class registration and covers: With the exception of local leaves, the instructor provides everything else to teach the class: 1 full lambskin leather hide per student, all operating and processing equipment (turkey roasters, wood dowels, fabric strips, work baskets, scissors, some paper towels, latex gloves, plastic) mordants, pre-dyed carrier blankets, information and resource sheets. Bring: Students should bring leaves from their area with emphasis on high tannin leaves such as oak, maples, rose, hickory, sumac and interesting weeds. Fun additional plants (usually store bought) are eucalyptus and colorful flowers such as daisy type flowers. No thick plants. Equal time sitting and standing This class allows an hour for lunch. There is a refrigerator available for you to put any perishables.
Electric Sheep: Basic Experiential e-Spinning with Q, Sunday 9am - Noon cover picture
Electric Sheep: Basic Experiential e-Spinning with Q, Sunday 9am - Noon
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $6.91
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 24, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 22nd, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Tempted by spinning but not sure a regular wheel’s for you? Intrigued by the idea of making just the yarn you want but not sure where you’d put a wheel if you had one? Feet/knees not doing what you want as painlessly as they used to, making the whole treadling part of wheel spinning look less than fun? Take an e-spinner for, well, a spin! Try several out in this experiential, process-oriented class for folks just starting their spinning journey. E-spinners are small, tabletop-friendly, juiced up and ready to go–you might discover one that’s just right for you! Materials cost covers: Shared use of instructor’s herd of e-spinners, including models by Daedalus, Dreaming Robots/EEW, Hansen, and more; access to 100% wool roving from various breeds (Bluefaced Leicester, Cheviot, Corriedale, Falkland, Merino) for use in experimenting with provided e-spinners. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. No participant-provided materials required: instructor will provide all tools and materials. Students just need to bring their curiosity and willingness to learn–and their patience with the process and with themselves. No homework prior to class. No previous experience required; class is specifically designed for new spinners who want to explore e-spinning. Class is process-oriented, rather than product-oriented. Students must have enough manual dexterity to hold and draft wool roving and must be able to to focus for the duration of the class. Students must have enough manual dexterity to hold and draft wool roving and must be able to to focus for the duration of the class.
Handpaint Magic Spinning with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Sunday 9am - Noon cover picture
Handpaint Magic Spinning with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Sunday 9am - Noon
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+ Processing fees: $4.40
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 24, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Handpainted rovings are plentiful and popular these days, but many spinners are not sure how to work with these beautiful fibers. Come and learn different methods of predrafting, fractal spinning and chain plying to help you make the best use of these exciting rovings. Materials cost covers handouts and handpainted roving sampler. Materials costs are included in registration. Students should be able to spin a continuous yarn. Students should bring hand spindles and/or a spinning wheel as well as any handpainted rovings they wish to experiment with or have questions about.
Illusions in Shadows with Jolie Elder, Sunday 9am - noon cover picture
Illusions in Shadows with Jolie Elder, Sunday 9am - noon
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 24, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Shadow or illusion knitting is a garter ridge stitch fabric that has an observable pattern when viewed from a specific oblique direction. When viewed directly, it mimics two-row stripes. It is an easy, fun, and mysterious way to add patterns to otherwise plain projects, especially garter stitch. Included bonus material is my solution for working this fabric reversibly. There is no materials fee. Student minimum age: 12 Bring: class yarn (smooth, non-splitting) in 2 contrasting colors — colors similar in hue and/or value will make the illusion less pronounced appropriate-sized needles for working stockinette and garter firmly (not loosely) in this yarn possibly stitch markers possibly highlighter tape or magnetic board, as we will be working from a chart No homework. Skills needed: know how to knit and purl, can read a pattern
Matching Cast Ons and Bind Offs with Heather Storta, Sunday 9am - Noon cover picture
Matching Cast Ons and Bind Offs with Heather Storta, Sunday 9am - Noon
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 24, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Creating a well-planned and executed cast-on and bind-off can take your knitting from ‘nice’ to ‘professional-looking.’ Join us as we explore the many different pairs of matching (or almost matching) cast ons and bind offs! Make your cast on and bind off edges match for more polished-looking scarves and cowls, or hems and necklines! Yarn: preferably a worsted weight, light-colored yarn for ease of seeing stitches. Knitting needles in size appropriate to yarn, plus one or two sizes smaller, and one or two sizes larger. Crochet hook in one or two sizes smaller than needles. No homework. There are no materials fees for this class. Student minimum age: 18
Wheel Spinning - Next Steps with Dorothea Pierce, Sunday 9am - Noon cover picture
Wheel Spinning - Next Steps with Dorothea Pierce, Sunday 9am - Noon
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $3.78
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 9:00 am - Sep 24, 2023 12:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
You have a wheel, and you can spin a basic single ply yarn, but it takes longer than it should, and you aren’t sure what to do next. Don’t worry! There is more out there – if you are excited to learn take that next step NOW! Learn back draw and forward draw, and the famous long draw! We will practice some different plying techniques, venture a tiny bit down the art yarn path, and work on finishing techniques as well. -Up your wheel spinning game in a safe environment with a teacher who has been spinning for decades. Materials cost covers: Fiber and color options. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. Please bring a functioning wheel that you are comfortable using and at least three bobbins of different color singles. No specific length of singles (half bobbin or a less is fine) just a gracious plenty to be able to practice different plies. Bring at least two ounces of two different colors of roving to use when practicing some art yarn techniques. Suggested for class: if you have multiple roving colors bring some and you can trade with others to create fun yarns. The instructor will be bringing some for you to use, but more is always better. If you have a lazy kate, bring it, if not bring a shoe box, and if you don’t have that, don’t worry we will fix you up! Students must be able to spin a continuous yarn.
Finishing School - Techniques for Elevated Handknits with Jen Parroccini, Sunday 10am - 5pm cover picture
Finishing School - Techniques for Elevated Handknits with Jen Parroccini, Sunday 10am - 5pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $6.60
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 10:00 am - Sep 24, 2023 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
In this hands-on class, participants will master key fine finishing techniques: tubular cast on and bind off; mattress seam, pick up and knit without holes, installing a zipper; and better blocking. Knitters will use all techniques as they create a demo swatch; except for blocking, which is demonstrated only. Materials fee covers: Small quantities of yarn for creating the swatches, basic zippers, hand sewing thread and needles. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. Bring: Size 6 needles (straight or circular); Tapestry needle Class is all day with a lunch break. Able to: know how to knit and purl, able to maintain tension/gauge Student minimum age: 18
The Gentle Art of Supported Spinning with TJ King, Sunday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
The Gentle Art of Supported Spinning with TJ King, Sunday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.78
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 24, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Learn the gentle art of spinning on a supported spindle. During this class, we will discuss different supported spindle types, fiber types and preparation, starting the spinning, spinning and drafting strategies, and plying. Following a brief lecture & show-and-tell, there will be hands-on practice, so students should bring their own supported spindles and bowls; instructor will bring additional tools to sample as time permits. Students should have at least basic experience drafting and spinning. Materials fee covers: Fiber & leader to use during the class Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. The student should bring their own supported spindle and bowl. The student should have the ability to draft fiber and have prior spinning experience on other tools. Student minimum age: 16
Knit Faster with Combination Knitting with Jolie Elder, Sunday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Knit Faster with Combination Knitting with Jolie Elder, Sunday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 24, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Do you dread 1×1 ribbing? Are your ssk decreases less tidy than your k2tog? Are you a continental knitter who hates purling? Do you have trouble working make1-left and make1-right? Do you know all four needle positions? Do you know the difference between left-facing and right-facing stitches? Combination knitting exploits stitch facings and needle positions. Learn how to combination knit and when to use it to make your knitting both more pleasant to do and more beautiful as a finished product. There is no materials fee. Student minimum age: 12 Bring: 2 homework swatches in class yarn (smooth, non-splitting, light or bright or medium color) needles to work both flat and in the round possibly extra sizes of needles Directions for homework here: https://jolieaelder.blogspot.com/p/knit-faster-homework.html Skills needed: know how to knit and purl, can read a pattern, work in the round, decrease, not fear a basic chart
Rare Breed Spinning with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Sunday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Rare Breed Spinning with Melissa Weaver Dunning, Sunday 1pm - 4pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $4.40
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 24, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Working with washed fleece samples, we will explore the world of rare breed wool, including: how to choose a fleece for a particular project, skirting and grading fleece, sourcing rare wool, traditional and modern wool preparation, different spinning styles and sampling & swatching for a particular project. Students will work with Herdwick, Navajo-Churro, Romeldale/CVM, Shetland, Tunis, and other breeds as available. Materials cost covers handouts and a rare-breed fleece sampler. Materials costs are included in registration. Students should be able to spin a continuous yarn. Students should bring hand spindles and/or a spinning wheel as well as hand cards or combs (if you have them). Teacher will have cards and combs for use during class.
Tips and Tricks with Heather Storta, Sunday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Tips and Tricks with Heather Storta, Sunday 1pm - 4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.15
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 24, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
Baffled by gauge swatches? Having trouble with tension? Want to improve your cast ons and bind offs? This class is for you! Join us for this eclectic, fast-paced class that is full of Heather’s tips and tricks to make your knitting shine. We will cover blocking and measuring gauge quickly, then move on to perfecting your cast ons and bind offs, taming your tension, ways to join new yarns, weaving in ends, joining to work in the round, cabling without a cable needle, and loads more! Homework swatch, blocked (optional). Smooth, light colored worsted weight yarn. Appropriate needles to yarn – circulars. Pen and paper (to take notes). Homework swatch: using light color, non-heathered, worsted weight yarn and size 7-9 needles (size appropriate to worsted gauge), cast on 30 sts and knit in stockinette for 5 inches. BO all sts. Ideally, please block the swatch before class. We will be assessing tension with this swatch. There are no materials fees for this class. Student minimum age: 18
Twisted Metal: Tree of Life with Kim Garver, Sunday 1pm - 4pm cover picture
Twisted Metal: Tree of Life with Kim Garver, Sunday 1pm - 4pm
Sold out
+ Processing fees: $4.72
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2023 1:00 pm - Sep 24, 2023 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2023 at 9:00 am EDT
This class introduces the art of wire wrapping both sea glass and gemstones. Each piece you make will have different twists and turns that when combined will be beautiful pendants to wear, gift or sell. We will be twisting copper wire and using buttons to create a tree of life. Materials supplied include: wire, wire cutter, pliers, sea glass, gemstone and/or smooth rock. Materials fees are included in the cost of registration. Bring to class: Buttons of every color you would like to feature in your tree of life. Dustys Buttons is a great vendor to grab some unique buttons to include in your project.
All times in (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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Hosted by Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival
Joined Eventeny in August 2020
6 events
Berryville, Virginia, United States
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