2021 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival - Eventeny

2021 Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival

Starts on Friday, September 24th, 2021
Berryville, Virginia, United States
About the event
Come celebrate the many facets of fiber the last full weekend of September. The festival is filled with opportunities and events focusing on all aspects of fiber and more! Classes on many different ways to use fiber will be offered. We will also have demonstrations, competitions, festival memorabilia, fleeces for sale, and more. Our vendors offer yarns, various raw and finished fibers, the animals they come from, buttons to spinning and weaving equipment, rugs and purses to hats and sweaters, jewelry, art, pottery, and many other lovely items!
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Sep 24, 2021 · 5:00 PM - Sep 26, 2021 · 4:00 PM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
The event has ended
Event highlights
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Instructor Highlight - Anja Caldwell
Welcome to your Happy Place! My name is Anja Caldwell. I grew up in Germany, where I got introduced to the wonderful world of handwork in elementary school. My maternal grandfather was a gentlemen's tailor and owned a clothing store in Northern Germany, my paternal grandmother was a master seamstress, my sister is a textile engineer. I first lived in the US in 1990 as a Fulbright graduate student, and came back to stay in 1997, this time for love. After a professional career as an architect, with a focus on sustainability and green (school) building, I opened my first studio in Potomac in 2016. It was a 50th birthday present to myself, and my "doily" reward for sticking it out as a working mom in a technical and still very male domain for so long. Today, after so many years of making and designing, I dare call myself a fiber artist, with lots of passion and patience for teaching beginners. In my studio we mix hygge and friendship with the traditional handwork techniques of knitting, crocheting, embroidery, sewing, felting, weaving ... - and much more. I fear that these fiber techniques and skills, still mastered by the older generation, are at the verge of going extinct. I have set out to change that! Slowing down and mindfulness is an art all by itself. These days that needs practice and discipline, but is so very good for all of us. When it comes to kids activities, I consider glue and glitter crafts the bad "G" words. I believe in teaching the "real deal", not a fast craft that lands in the trash. We make heirlooms and "grandparents charmers" and learn real skills. My best days are when I get a beginner hooked on a fiber art - and I can combine old techniques with fresh, clever design ideas. And if you don't quite know what you want to make yet, I can help you with that too. We have an extensive library of pattern books and magazines on hand. Whatever fiber art you want to explore - come on in! I can hardly wait to meet you, and see what we can create together. Knit warmly, Anja S. Caldwell (aka "Miss Fiber Arts Lady")
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Instructor Highlight - Cindie Bennett
Cindie Bennett is primarily a crochet instructor and designer. She has taught at many fiber festivals along the east coast. Cindie is a Certified Crochet Instructor through Craft Yarn Council. She has published multiple crochet designs into popular crochet magazines. You may follow Cindie at www.instagram.com/cindiebennettcrochet and www.facebook.com/cindiebennettcrochet
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Instructor Highlight - Dixie Faries
Dixie Faries lives in Northern Virginia with her husband, Efrain, two spoiled cats and four squawking birds. She has been as been knitting and crocheting for more than 50 years. The real turning point in her skills came about once she discovered knitting conferences, taking classes at every opportunity both in the U.S. and overseas. This broadened both her understanding of the craft and her abilities to tackle new and unique projects and techniques. Currently Dixie has both Knitting I and Knitting II Instructor Certification from the Craft Yarn Council.
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Instructor Highlight - Jean Elizabeth Glass
Jean Elizabeth Glass has been playing with beads and fiber in one way or another for 30 years. She was brought to knitting by friends who told her that she could knit with beads thus marrying two wonderful crafts and making her smile. She loves to share her passion with anyone who is interested and has generously shared her knowledge during demonstrations and teaching classes at DFW, Vogue Knitting Live, Stitches, The Fiber Festival of New England, and many other shows. #BetterWithBeads
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Instructor Highlight - M Theressa Brown
M Theresa Brown is a professional portrait artist, printmaker and fiber artist whose long career embraces many areas of the Arts. Her years of printmaking and color work led her to explore the fiber arts. Using many similar skills and accumulated knowledge, she has evolved as a hand painter and ecoprinter on natural fibers. She uses natural dyes and low impact synthetic dyes and merges them into unique, beautiful designs on silk, wool and leather. She then transforms the hand dyed or ecoprinted fabric into artisanal clothing, accessories and art. Her ecoprinted fiber work has appeared in international publications such as "No Serial Number" and "Belle Armoire". She and her artist husband, Stephen Filarsky reside in rural NC with their alpacas, chickens and family dogs!
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Instructor Highlight - Mary Gildersleeve
A native San Franciscan, Mary Gildersleeve began designing shortly after teaching herself to knit at the age of 8. Knitting and designing were her constant activities throughout undergrad (BA Journalism), grad school (MBA Marketing) and family life until, in 1997, she went “professional” and established By Hand, With Heart…traditional hand-knit designs with a modern twist. Gildersleeve’s designs have been published in Knitters, Cast On, Interweave Knits and a lace design was featured on the cover of the Second Unofficial Downton Abbey Knits. She has two books published: Great Yarns for the Close-Knit Family: over two dozen hand-knit designs inspired by a dozen fantastic family read-alouds and In His Image: Nurturing Creativity in the Heart of Your Home. She is still designing, teaching knitting, and generally loving her (albeit hectic) life in Northern Virginia, 50+ years after first learning to knit.
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Instructor Highlight - Patty Williams
Patty Williams is the owner of Aker Fiber Farm. She began working with fiber arts as a young girl with her aunt and mom. She learned how to crochet, wash fleeces, and card wool along with tying her shoes. She began Aker Fiber Farm part time after leaving the Army with her husband in Virginia. They then purchased the flock that had been supplying their fleeced and moved everyone to New Hampshire where Patty added Shepherd to her resume. Aker Fiber Farm has evolved into a Farm to Yarn Company providing flax to linen and fleece to yarn to customers fall over the US and Canada. Patty began teaching fiber arts without even realizing that was what she was doing. Always wanting to share her passion she taught friends how to crochet and knit while in grade school, high school, and the Army. Today she travels up and down the east coast teaching workshops and giving lectures on Shepherding skills, flax, linen, spinning, fiber prep, and knitting. Her favorite students are folks that; “never thought they could”, as Patty believes everyone CAN!
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Instructor Highlight - Peggy Doerwaldt
Peggy grew up outside of San Francisco, CA and learned the art of knitting and crochet from her grandmother. She relocated to the East coast and now Peggy lives in NVA with her husband and children. She knits daily and works with other creative fiber avenues. After getting her Masters at Austin Peay in Tennesse, she taught in the classroom in the late 90s but family/work life balance took the wheel. She is coming back this season to teach a fun knitting style that also takes a bit of concentration: Double knitting. You can find her on Ravelry as Pegdog.
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Instructor Highlight - Q
Liza Q. Wirtz, better known as Q, teaches freespirited weaving, art-batt carding, and exploratory spinning on her herd of wheels through her fiber-arts business, the Foldout Cat, based at her home studio in the Huntsville, Alabama area. Q has been weaving and sewing in the SAORI tradition for several years, and she dyes, spins, and cards with the same philosophy in mind: create from your heart and put beauty into the world! When she’s not teaching or creating, Q bakes and sings (separately) for pleasure and very occasionally practices estate-planning law, particularly for artists and other folks whose lives involve "specialized stuff." Q lives with a fluctuating number of cats near her beloved partners, Fiber J and Maker J, in Madison, AL. Find her as FoldoutCat on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest or on her website, foldoutcat.com.
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Price: $55.00-130.00
Flax Seed to Linen Yarn, with Patty Williams, Saturday 1-4pm cover picture
Flax Seed to Linen Yarn, with Patty Williams, Saturday 1-4pm
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+ Processing fees: $3.78
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Ticket date & time
Sep 25, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 25, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
This three-hour class will be packed with information as I demonstrate the entire flax seed to linen yarn process. We will cover terminology, where to find equipment and materials, how to use equipment, and finally how to spin into a yarn ready to be made into cloth. Students will be emailed handouts and everything else will be demonstrated in a lecture style.
Tapestry Weaving for Kids, with Anja Caldwell, Sunday 9-11am cover picture
Tapestry Weaving for Kids, with Anja Caldwell, Sunday 9-11am
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+ Processing fees: $4.03
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Ticket redeem location
890 West Main Street, Berryville
Virginia 22611, United States
Ticket date & time
Sep 26, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 26, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
Weaving is the most basic of all fabric making. This small but mighty wall hanging teaches the basic basketweave.
How to Spin Flax from a Drop Spindle & Wheel, with Patty Williams, Sunday 9-11am cover picture
How to Spin Flax from a Drop Spindle & Wheel, with Patty Williams, Sunday 9-11am
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+ Processing fees: $4.09
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Class Tent
Ticket date & time
Sep 26, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 26, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 26th, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
This class will specifically focus on how to spin flax line from a drop spindle and wheel. We will discuss materials traditionally used and what can be used today.
Freestyle Weaving On Your Favorite Loom, with Q Wirtz, Saturday 1-3pm *Online Only cover picture
Freestyle Weaving On Your Favorite Loom, with Q Wirtz, Saturday 1-3pm *Online Only
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+ Processing fees: $4.34
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Online Class
Ticket date & time
Sep 25, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 25, 2021 3:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
Learn to weave freestyle in the comfort of your own home! Using any rigid-heddle, tapestry, tabletop, or floor loom you own (or can borrow 😊) and are comfortable using, play with color, texture, and technique, and come away with a unique piece of woven art that reflects your heart. Weave in ways that honor your personal sense of beauty and truth. Two-color interlock, traveling inlay, and a few other simple weaving techniques will be taught, but the class will focus on the journey, emphasizing the exploration of color and texture in the service of personal expression.
Muppets &  Minis: Spinning New Life Into Your Fiber Stash, with Q Wirtz, Sunday 10-Noon *Online Only cover picture
Muppets & Minis: Spinning New Life Into Your Fiber Stash, with Q Wirtz, Sunday 10-Noon *Online Only
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+ Processing fees: $4.53
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Online Class
Ticket date & time
Sep 26, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 26, 2021 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
If you’ve been spinning for any length of time, there’s a good chance your stash contains fibery treasures that just don’t suit who you’ve become. We’ve all got those braids and bundles, y’all: colors you’ve fallen out of love with; blends you tried that didn’t warm your heart; top that’s become a little too fond of itself; the last-minute fiber-festival deal that you aren’t sure why you bought but can’t quite bear to get rid of. Courtesy of spinners and fiber artists Holin Kennen and Jillian Moreno, I’ve got a solution to suggest: minimize them, muppetize them, and turn them into crazy beautiful yarn! Holin’s Muppet Barf approach (which she teaches at the Wisconsin Sheep & Wool Festival) and Jillian’s “minnie” method (which she’s blogged about at jillianmoreno.com) give us fiberistas permission to spin outside the box, combining our orphan oddball braids to new and beautiful effect. Come explore with me!
Carding for Fun: Blending-Board Basics with Q Wirtz, Saturday 10am-Noon * Online Only cover picture
Carding for Fun: Blending-Board Basics with Q Wirtz, Saturday 10am-Noon * Online Only
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+ Processing fees: $4.97
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Online Class
Ticket date & time
Sep 25, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 25, 2021 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 20th, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
No drum carder? No problem! Fly outside the batt box: learn how to build art batts with simple, affordable, handheld tools in the privacy of your own home 😊. Combine fibers, textures, and colors in ways that suit you and what you want to make. Acquire—or hone!—skills in choosing and blending batt components that will stand you in good stead as you walk your fiber-artist path, whether you go the drum-carder route or take the blending-board road. Come card with us! IMPORTANT NOTE: I have a limited number of my preferred blending boards available for sale for an additional fee to students who sign up for this class. If you don't have a blending board and you want one, contact me at queue@foldoutcat.com or on my business Facebook page (facebook.com/FoldoutCat) and we'll work out the details.
Spinning Structures on a Wheel, with Patty Williams, Friday 9-11am cover picture
Spinning Structures on a Wheel, with Patty Williams, Friday 9-11am
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+ Processing fees: $5.03
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 24, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
Have you been confused by woolen versus worsted? This class covers the four basic spinning structures; woolen, semi woolen, worsted, and semi worsted. We will discuss how to spin them and when to use them for your final project.
Make a Beaded Cuff Bracelet? Of Course You Can! with Jean Glass, Friday 1-4pm cover picture
Make a Beaded Cuff Bracelet? Of Course You Can! with Jean Glass, Friday 1-4pm
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+ Processing fees: $5.09
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Class Tent
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 26, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
You will learn to knit with beads and make a beautiful bracelet, too! In this class you will learn to knit with beads by pre-stringing the beads on some lovely hand-dyed yarn from A Hundred Ravens. You will walk away with a finished or almost finished bracelet. This class gives you enough time to practice your skills with help available every step of the way. While we learn, I will tell you tips, tricks, and stories about beads and knitting with beads. You will have lots of fun learning to knit with beads and creating a beaded bracelet of your very own.
Beautiful Beaded Bind-offs - a techniques class, with Jean Glass, Sunday 9am-Noon cover picture
Beautiful Beaded Bind-offs - a techniques class, with Jean Glass, Sunday 9am-Noon
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+ Processing fees: $5.28
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Class Tent
Ticket date & time
Sep 26, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 26, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
Come learn a few different ways to add beads in your bind-off. Jean Elizabeth will demonstrate a number of ways to add beads to your bind-off then you will practice them with her there to help you every step of the way. You will love how these techniques make your pieces even more beautiful! So many possibilities in so many different ways. Shawls, hats, scarves, gloves, socks. A few beads at the end can easily add a little sparkle to so many projects!
Fiber with beads: an introduction, with Jean Glass, Friday 9am -Noon cover picture
Fiber with beads: an introduction, with Jean Glass, Friday 9am -Noon
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+ Processing fees: $5.34
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Class Tent
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 24, 2021 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
Have you always wanted to learn to put beads in your projects? Now is your chance to learn! Jean Elizabeth will cover many ways to add beads to your pieces, and you will practice each way and find the ways that work best for you and your projects. Let’s learn all about beads and the fibers they go with so beautifully and, of course, have some fun along the way! You will come away with a vast knowledge of beads and the fibers they go with and the skills to include beads on all of your future projects.
Fun Beaded Gloves, with Jean Glass, Saturday 9am-Noon cover picture
Fun Beaded Gloves, with Jean Glass, Saturday 9am-Noon
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+ Processing fees: $5.34
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Class Tent
Ticket date & time
Sep 25, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 25, 2021 4:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
You will learn to knit with beads and make a beautiful Beaded Glove, too! The glove is knitted flat and then seamed. You will knit with beads by pre-stringing the beads on some lovely hand-dyed yarn from A Hundred Ravens. You will walk away well on your way to a finished pair of Gloves. This class gives you enough time to practice your skills with help available every step of the way. While we learn, I will tell you tips, tricks, and stories about beads and knitting with beads. You will have lots of fun learning to knit with beads and creating beaded gloves of your very own.
Beads in a Cast-on! 3 Techniques , with Jean Glass, Saturday 1-4 cover picture
Beads in a Cast-on! 3 Techniques , with Jean Glass, Saturday 1-4
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+ Processing fees: $5.34
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Class Tent
Ticket date & time
Sep 25, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 25, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
Come learn a few different ways to add beads in your bind-off. Jean Elizabeth will demonstrate a number of ways to add beads to your bind-off then you will practice them with her there to help you every step of the way. You will love how these techniques make your pieces even more beautiful! So many possibilities in so many different ways. Shawls, hats, scarves, gloves, socks. A few beads at the end can easily add a little sparkle to so many projects!
Intro to Macrame: Wall Art with Cindie Bennett Sunday 9am-Noon cover picture
Intro to Macrame: Wall Art with Cindie Bennett Sunday 9am-Noon
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+ Processing fees: $5.35
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Class Tent
Ticket date & time
Sep 26, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 26, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 20th, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
With Macrame becoming more and more popular with wall decor, chairs, plant hangers, and many other fun items. Macrame will be your new obsession. You will be looking for new things to knot all the time. With just a few simple knots you will create beautiful wall art. In this class you’ll learn how to: -Choose the right materials for your next macrame project. -Measure your rope -Create multiple knots -Read a Macrame pattern Class includes complete step-by-step instructions on how to achieve each knot.
Intro to Macrame: Plant Hanger with Cindie Bennett, Saturday 9am-Noon cover picture
Intro to Macrame: Plant Hanger with Cindie Bennett, Saturday 9am-Noon
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+ Processing fees: $5.35
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Class Tent
Ticket date & time
Sep 25, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 26, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 21st, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
With Macrame becoming more and more popular with wall decor, chairs, plant hangers, and many other fun items. Macrame will be your new obsession. You will be looking for new things to knot all the time. With just a few simple knots you will create a beautiful plant hanger. In this class you’ll learn how to: -Choose the right materials for your next macrame project. -Measure your rope -Create multiple knots -Read a Macrame pattern Class includes complete step-by-step instructions on how to achieve each knot.
Ecoprint Naturally on Silk and Wool, with M Theressa Brown,  Friday 9am-4pm cover picture
Ecoprint Naturally on Silk and Wool, with M Theressa Brown, Friday 9am-4pm
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+ Processing fees: $8.17
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Ticket redeem location
Green Rooms at Stage
Ticket date & time
Sep 24, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 24, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
Learn how to ecoprint on silk and wool naturally! Ecoprinting (also known as botanical printing) involves collecting leaves, plants and flowers to imprint their images directly upon protein fibers using a water bath process. Students will learn techniques to create beautiful, natural designs with colors drawn directly from Nature on silk and wool. At the end of the day, students will take home their silk and wool ecoprinted samples and the knowledge to continue Ecoprinting from Nature's resources. Ecoprinting is a natural, sustainable art form.
Ecoprint in Color on Silk and Wool, with M Theresa Brown, Saturday 9am-4pm cover picture
Ecoprint in Color on Silk and Wool, with M Theresa Brown, Saturday 9am-4pm
Sale Ended
+ Processing fees: $8.48
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This ticket is non-refundable, non-cancellable, and non-transferable after purchase. The delivery of the service is completed upon receiving this ticket by email.
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Ticket redeem location
Green Rooms at Stage
Ticket date & time
Sep 25, 2021 8:00 am - Sep 25, 2021 5:00 pm EDT
Sale end date
September 23rd, 2021 at 8:00 am EDT
Learn how to ecoprint on silk and wool and create a beautiful background in color! Ecoprinting (also known as botanical printing) involves collecting leaves, plants and flowers to imprint their images directly upon protein fibers using a water bath process. Students will learn techniques to create beautiful, natural designs with colors drawn directly from Nature as well as the techniques to create colored backgrounds on silk and wool. At the end of the day, students will take home both a silk and wool scarf ecoprinted in color and the knowledge to continue Ecoprinting from Nature's resources.Previous experience in ecoprinting is helpful.
All times in (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival logo
Hosted by Shenandoah Valley Fiber Festival
Joined Eventeny in August 2020
6 events
Berryville, Virginia, United States
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