Madeira Beach Marina is excited to host the 11th Annual Grunt Hunt on March 10th-12th,2022. The captain's meeting is Thursday March 10th, 2022 at 7:00pm. The weigh-in and community fish fry is Saturday March 12, 2022 starting at 4:00pm. Enjoy a fresh caught fish fry with french fries and slaw for $12 a plate.
$3500 in prizes!
Registration: Youth and Adult Divisions
Early Registration (Ends 3-9-2022) $30
Captain's Meeting Registration $40
Add Hogfish Division $25
Register online at
Please contact the ship store at
727-399-2631 with any additional questions
Captains Meeting is MANDATORY for each Angler. The meeting will be held at Madeira Beach Municipal Marina; 503 150th Ave. Madeira Beach, FL 33708 (727) 399-2631
The rules may be changed during the Captains meeting. Register at the Marina, captains meeting or online at
This is an angler event. Boundaries are from Cedar Key to Boca Grande Pass.
Fishing starts at 6 AM Saturday, March 12th, 2022
No lines in water prior to this time.
All anglers must be paid and registered prior to 4:00 Pm Friday, March 11, 2022.
All fishing and angling methods must comply with current Federal and State Regulations.
Fish must be caught by hook and line. Handheld rods and reels only.
One angler must hook, fight and bring fish up to point of gaff or net.
No rotten, mutilated or frozen fish will be weighed in.
A youth angler eligible for the Youth Angler Awards must be 14 years or younger on the tournament date. They must catch and reel the fish to point of landing. Youth Angler can place in both overall and youth division.
Fish will be weighed in at Madeira Beach Municipal Marina and may be brought in by boat or car. Weigh in will start at 4pm and anglers must be in line by 5pm to be eligible to weigh fish.
Any fish being weighed in containing lead or any other foreign matter will be subject to disqualification as determined by the weigh master.
3 fish Aggregate prizes will be awarded to the angler that weighs in the heaviest total weight of 3 fish.
Hogfish Davison-pays out 3 places based on paid entries. 50/30/20% split of entries. Determined by weight.
Tie–In the event of a tie in any division, the angler that weighed fish first wins (by time).
The honor system applies throughout the entire tournament.
If there should be a dispute of any kind the decision of the Tournament Director will be final.
Protest must be accompanied by a cash fee of $500 by 8 pm Saturday.
Madeira Beach Municipal Marina and the City of Madeira Beach encourages the live release of all fish not needed for this tournament. Try not to keep anything under 10”, this is not a rule only a suggestion.
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Mar 10, 2022 · 7:00 PM - Mar 12, 2022 · 8:00 PM(GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Limited parking is available at the Madeira Beach Marina.
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