Personal, thoughtful, handmade dream catchers to serve on multiple levels for many years to come.
Who hasn’t emerged from sleep at some point thinking,
“Whoa, THAT was a weird dream!”?
Most of us have even picked up a dream interpretation book or Googled a particular image, sense, or theme we can’t stop thinking about; “just to see.” Some even have recurring dreams or at least themes that fascinate or perhaps confuse. Dreams can be relatively literal, a message is loud, clear, even entertaining. Most of us, however, dream complexly, if we really think about it, with deeper symbolism unique to the dreamer. With many resources available to help decipher our dream world, the information out there can feel like more than enough.
You, on the other hand, have discovered the dream catchers created by Meticulouslight; you now have a tool as unique as you to help translate your dream world with the goal of then transferring what you find to waking life, in order to grow, learn, and thrive.
There is beauty.
There is art.
One purpose of art is to instigate subterranean exploration of our mind,hearts, and bodies. Art isn’t always traditionally beautiful; it can take on a dark refinement that pierces and awakens important archetypal truths… War, destruction, death depicted or symbolized can remind us to have reverence, seek renewal, and allow rebirth. We find and hopefully appreciate the distinct usefulness of such art.
One purpose of beauty could be referred to as pleasure but I argue it goes far deeper.
There is a measurable, observable, experiential, physiological response
in us when we immerse ourselves in the presence of beauty; it’s warming, positive, and nourishing.
Beauty heals us.
Art sustains us.
Scholars across the ages have argued the necessity of art is paramount to our very survival as a species. We already know empathy, compassion, and cooperation is how human beings evolved and thrived.
Yaacov Agam, an Israeli sculptor, says “There are two distinct languages. There is verbal, which separates people… and there is the visual that is understood by everybody.” Beautiful visual art connects us to others… but it also has a transcendental power to connect us more profoundly to ourselves.
The spiritual component of traditional dream catchers does preside in Meticulouslight’s work, with great respect and earnest humility towards the Obijwa Tribe of First Nations. It is with these peoples that dream catchers were first conceived of and utilized as potent tools of protection.
Their original intent was to allow “good” dreams and block “bad” dreams.
IT IS NOT THE INTENTION OF YOUR DREAM CATCHER TO STOP CERTAIN DREAMS, and allow others “through the center.” If we step back from the socially useful dualistic way of thinking, where there is good and bad, light and dark, right and wrong, we can consider the fact it’s our minds making a thing one or the other. But information is desirable whether it’s positive or negative, since learning and growing are imperative to thriving as a person. We don’t want to stop the messages with judgement that are coming to us through our dream world before we harvest the information some part of our own self is sending.
First let us integrate! And with a body, mind, and heart softened, disarmed, and clear because we continually expose ourselves to beautiful visual art, we are prepared to receive.
Think of Meticulouslight’s dream catchers as windows… Beautiful physical frameworks in the universal visual language that will essentially prepare you to receive and integrate pertinent, invaluable messages hidden within your dreams. The creation of each piece is infused with abiding, rather than suppression. They will not block certain dreams but rather filter all dreams, because you have been opened by their beauty.
They energetically ease the transition of self-knowledge from the dark/unknown side of the separation within ourselves between conscious and unconscious, into the light on the other side of the window, where you can integrate. “Good,” wonderful dreams become revelation, inspiration, and motivation. Go to bed with dreams, as they say, and wake up with plans.
“Bad,” scary dreams manifesting built-up, un-felt, and/or overwhelming emotions, like a wall, being unable to move within the dream, or floods, when named and felt instead of avoided, become powerful vehicles of courage, strength, and self-compassion.
A word to those who don’t remember any dreams at all… If you decide you actually want to recall your dreams, you need only ask. You can and will recall them with the power of your true intentions.
Though images and feelings in your dreams may be complex, the messages within them will become more accessible to you upon fully waking. Your dream catcher will serve you for many years to come. It will nourish your body, mind, and heart with the utter and personal simplicity of being beautiful. And it will thus facilitate your conversation with the emerging wisdom from your dream realm.
May beauty unfurl the hidden banners of light within you, every day warming you from the inside out; soothing and healing your nervous system, dancing behind your eyes; and sustaining you for your daily journey.
And may the wordless places within you be illuminated.
Sweet dreams of both night and day!
© patricia j tyrcha
handmade dreamcatchers
+ nature photography
all rights reserved
“Love is not consolation. It is light.” Friedrich Nietzsche