"We All Eat Yellow Submarines" Acrylic Painting - Eventeny
Savannah Magnolia Savannah Magnolia
"We All Eat Yellow Submarines" Acrylic Painting "We All Eat Yellow Submarines" Acrylic Painting

"We All Eat Yellow Submarines" Acrylic Painting

For sale
Sales method
Online & onsite sale


- 13” x 19” x 1.5” Original Acrylic Painting on Wood with laser-cut acrylic pieces - Coated with Resin for a glass-like effect - Back is raised slightly from the wall to give a floating effect when hung; Ready to hang. This laser-cut acrylic on wood painting was originally created for a food-themed gallery show in St. Petersburg, FL. For the show, I was given two random food items to combine in one painting, which were “fish” and a “sub sandwich”. Thinking of subs led me to imagine the Beatles’ yellow submarine as a fishy sandwich. The result is this incredibly unique wood painting. I am extremely meticulous in my paintings, which is evident from the super crisp, clean lines. I want my paintings to appear almost-digitally created even though they are done entirely by hand without tape or stencils. Color is also such a guiding force in my work, and this painting is no exception. The striking opaque colors are achieved through several coats of paint. All paintings are little pieces of me. I am so passionate about what I do, and every piece shows this. Thank you for supporting my humble little dream and buying original art!

Item details

GTIN: 161795



Sales method

Online & onsite sale

Quantity available



Length/Depth: 1.5 in
Width: 19 in
Height: 13 in
Length/Depth: 3 in
Width: 22 in
Height: 15 in


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No refund or returns allowed on this purchase.
Exceptions may apply. Please message Savannah for more information.

Meet your seller

Savannah Magnolia

With a background in Neuroscience, the hidden physiology of the body continues to inspire my work. My paintings merge science with art by re-presenting anatomy through stylized forms and hyper-saturated colors. These larger-than-life paintings expose the inner systems and confront viewers with what it means to be a living body within the context of our current health care system. I maintain laboratory-like precision through a graphic, hard-edge style. The technical aspects and the process of creating these forms without the aid of tape or stencils are just as important as the content.


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"We All Eat Yellow Submarines" Acrylic Painting
"We All Eat Yellow Submarines" Acrylic Painting
Savannah Magnolia

Heads up! This seller has been inactive since 03-09-2021.We suggest messaging the seller to check item availability before purchasing.

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