Alla prima oil painting of a zebra. When we think of a zebra, we usually think in black and white but there's a world of colors there too! I wanted to capture the mischievous gaze of the zebra letting us know not to think of him in strict black and white terms!
Item details
GTIN: 165312
Quantity available
Length/Depth: 0.3 in
Width: 11 in
Height: 14 in
Length/Depth: 0.3 in
Width: 11 in
Height: 14 in
$30.00 (Flat rate on multiple orders from this seller)
Option to pick up the product in person instead of shipping
Delivery and pickup restrictions may apply: Item available for pick up and delivery in the dc metro area
Refund & return policy
No refund or returns allowed on this purchase.
Exceptions may apply. Please message Anu for more information.