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Item details
GTIN: 183178
Quantity available
Refund & return policy
No refund or returns allowed on this purchase.
Exceptions may apply. Please message Sarah for more information.
Hi! I'm Sarah and I started The Irish Farmhouse because it has been a dream of mine to make and sell my creativity since I was little. I can remember doing some kind of art project at a very young age, always asking my mother for craft supplies, and making homemade gifts for all of my family. The Irish Farmhouse now lets me share my creativity with the rest of the world. Its been a long time dreaming and planning and making, but it's finally here and I'm so proud!
I also have a love for all things old and antique. I love the rustic farmhouse style, filled with antiques and stories from long ago. Maybe that's why I live in an almost 200-year-old house! But I've always had a hard time finding decor pieces that fit my aesthetic just right. I prefer simple, natural, and neutral colors and textures. I find beauty in simplicity. I want my products to have that aged and loved feeling... I want them to tell a story.