"Mushroom of Immortality" in Chinese medicine. Immunity, anti-cancer, longevity, vitality, liver health and detoxification, balances hormones, fights diabetes, relaxes muscles, improves sleep, aids heart function, reduces cholesterol, has antioxidant effects, and metaphysically breaks down old energy patterns.
Item details
GTIN: 104492
Quantity available
$10.00 (Flat rate on multiple orders from this seller)
Walden Farmacy is a family owned and run small-scale permaculture style herb farm located in Bessemer, Alabama. At Walden Farms we grow and wild craft small batch, sustainable herbal medicines with families in mind. We believe each person possesses the capacity to heal themselves, and we offer support, guidance, and medicines made from the earth that allow one to move back into balance – mind, body, and spirit.