Pink XMini #2 SOLD - Eventeny
Karen Dedesko Karen Dedesko
Pink XMini #2 SOLD Pink XMini #2 SOLD

Pink XMini #2 SOLD

For sale


Acrylic on canvas with finished sides.

Meet your seller

Karen Dedesko

Karen is a full time painter living and working from her home studio in Oakville, Ontario. She has a degree in art & art history and commerce from the University of Toronto, 1983. As well, she studied part time at Three Schools of Art & OCAD in the early 80’s Her focus is the hydrangea flower — all those little petals clustered together, bobbing in the garden. For Karen, capturing these details includes defining all the petals thereby showcasing their lush fullness and delicacy. To convey the intricate colours of the blooms, she allows numerous colours on her brush and canvas to blend as she makes her strokes. The results are a joyful, serene capture of these stunning blooms.


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Pink XMini #2 SOLD
Pink XMini #2 SOLD
Karen Dedesko
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