Phantom Eye - Herkimer Diamond Amulet - Eventeny
Hibernacula Hibernacula
Phantom Eye - Herkimer Diamond Amulet Phantom Eye - Herkimer Diamond Amulet

Phantom Eye - Herkimer Diamond Amulet

For sale


Elegant mirrored arches form the shape of an eye: Its iris is a double-terminated Herkimer Diamond, the pupil a dark phantom inclusion. These rare crystal 'phantoms' of hydrocarbon are essentially the oil or 'fossil fuel' made from the decay of ancient organic materials; dark gems of energy are captured within double-terminated quartz crystal. This rare formation is known as the 'Herkimer Diamond.' The crystals are held between the arches of a metal eye, giving it the appearance of a mystical battery. When you hold this talisman, remember that Herkimers contain the very blood of the earth, the energy of the primordial mother, suspended within the focused purity of a quartz crystal. It holds both darkness and light within it's polarity: a potent talisman for energy and attunement.

Item details

GTIN: 29314



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Meet your seller


Welcome to Hibernacula's Dragoncon digital storefront! There's free gift included with every order, just to thank you for coming by! I'm sad we didn't get to connect in person this year and I miss you all dearly. If you have any questions or special requests, contact me via email or instagram. I will try to remain available for the whole weekend.


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Phantom Eye - Herkimer Diamond Amulet
Phantom Eye - Herkimer Diamond Amulet

Heads up! This seller has been inactive since 11-08-2022.We suggest messaging the seller to check item availability before purchasing.

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