My Ozarks - Eventeny

My Ozarks

For sale
Sales method
Online & onsite sale


Three characteristics define the Ozarks; it’s clear running streams and rivers, the rugged rock-strewn hills and its enticing hardwood forests. I titled this painting “My Ozarks” because of two of those characteristics, the rocky hills and the fall colors of its forests. This is My Ozarks that I have grown to love since my early teens when my father taught me to hunt and fish. Today I do all my hunting with a camera and a paint brush, but the same excitement I felt as a boy is still there.

Item details

GTIN: 136560



Sales method

Online & onsite sale

Quantity available



Length/Depth: 24 in
Width: 36 in
Height: 2 in
Length/Depth: 30 in
Width: 42 in
Height: 5 in


Option to pick up the product in person instead of shipping

Refund & return policy

To assure your satisfaction with the quality of our art, any artwork returned in it's original condition within 14 days will be fully refunded, excluding shipping and handling fees.
Exceptions may apply. Please message Garry for more information.

Meet your seller

Garry McMichael Art

For three decades, Garry McMichael has been traveling the back roads of Middle America, especially the Ozarks, capturing its beauty with the camera, charcoals, pastels and paint. Garry is constantly searching for those fleeting moments when the landscape, the atmospheric conditions and the ever-changing light come together in a flash of visual inspiration. Whether you are inspired by the ebb and flow of the Mississippi River, a quiet walk through the rugged Ozark Mountains or watching a summer thunderstorm roll across the prairie, you will appreciate the art of Garry McMichael. Garry McMichael has been a photojournalist, commercial photographer and artist for the past thirty years and is owner of where he organizes and teaches workshops in St. Louis, Missouri. He is actively involved with the Greater St. Louis Art Association, Art St. Louis and is Past-President of the Gateway Pastel Artists Association.


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My Ozarks
My Ozarks
Garry McMichael Art

Heads up! This seller has been inactive since 12-19-2020.We suggest messaging the seller to check item availability before purchasing.

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