The Freshly Baked Pork Buns Black Dragon is the prequel story set in contemporary Sum City kitchen oven (jail), the story follows Pogi Bun, an ex-convict being tasked to go undercover with the SCPD on assignment to infiltrate the AJI Triad organization.
Available in Black.
Printed on Next Level Jersey
This fabric is incredibly soft with great drape and stretch!
Item details
GTIN: 188146
Quantity available
$7.99 (Flat rate on multiple orders from this seller)
Furry Feline Creatives is the character design studio and lifestyle brand with a vision to create inclusivity and dedication to family. Our business idea supports this vision by offering a wide range of well-designed, humorous and family friendly products using our original cast of whimsical characters that will brighten someones day.