These are my photographic images as screensavers, sized to fit most cellphones be they iPhones and Androids The images are a vertical orientation and a ratio of 16:9. More are available on my website at: for direct download. It is possible to make small prints of them also. The only condition is you do not give to others, be they family or friends. These are for YOUR use and enjoyment!
Item details
GTIN: 11043
Quantity available
Delivery restrictions may apply: These are $10 each. There is no shipping - I will send you the images directly to your e-mail address.
I create limited edition fine art photographs from film capture (medium & large format film of landscapes) and digital capture (closeup or macrophotography using image stacking). I create my own work and produce my own work. Images come in various presentations and I can customize to any size. Let's talk!