Translucent shadows stretch across the moon,
like translucent skin, stretched across a soul.
Darkness whispers
gossamer promises to the light.
And the light stirs,
delicate flitting, firings of curiosity.
What does the darkness know?
Night is filled with their conversations,
with their weaving and unweaving.
Translucent lights stretch over the darkness,
peering ever deeper into the abyss.
What secrets are within?
Will they illuminate the deep
or will the deep entomb them?
The lights flitter into the hollows,
into the deeps.
The darkness stretches gently around them,
ever so thin.
And when they peer up from the abyss,
they see themselves,
peering in.
Item details
GTIN: 12806
Quantity available
Length/Depth: 0.1 in
Width: 12 in
Height: 18 in
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Exceptions may apply. Please message Jeszika for more information.