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Acrilico sobre canvas.
World Symbol Media People
La realeza del siglo 21
En los años ochentas, comienza con los servicios de television por suscripción, una serie de canales que modificaron la cultura a nivel global.
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Resultados de traducción
Acrylic on canvas.
World Symbol Media People
Royalty of the 21st century
In the eighties, it began with subscription television services, a series of channels that changed culture on a global level.
With the emergence of specialized channels, young people of that time began to share the same music, ideology and trends in fashion and expression. Some of these outstanding channels were MTV, Fox, HBO to give some examples.
This MASS MEDIA generation has created a code based on famous people in the world collective unconscious.
Famous people and their faces are representative in this globalized code. Each one has begun to take a place to describe ourselves and has constituted an emotional entanglement in each person's life, which has allowed the masses to be individual in and at the same time represented.
Rubi has his atelier in Bregenz Austria. Including shipping in European countries.
Item details
GTIN: 146313
Quantity available
Length/Depth: 60 cm
Width: 81 cm
Height: 6 cm
Length/Depth: 75 cm
Width: 95 cm
Height: 15 cm
Delivery restrictions may apply: Fragile
Refund & return policy
No refund or returns allowed on this purchase.
Exceptions may apply. Please message Rubi for more information.
EN. Rubí Juárez is artist and an author and illustrator for childrenbooks. She produces many multimedia projects, workshops for children with new cutting-edge technologies, and illustrates at advertisement agencies. She produced animations for TV and is also an active member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. Specialist in the development of educational material and didactic events.
ES. Rubí Juárez, es artista plástica y autora de libros ilustrados para niños. Produce proyectos multimedia, talleres infantiles con nuevas tecnologías e ilustra para editoriales y agencias. Ha producido animaciones TV. Actualmente tiene un atelier y una pequeña galeria en Austria.
DE. Die Mexikanische Künstlerin Rubi Juarez ist Kinderbuchautorin, Malerin und Illustratorin.
Sie arbeitete fur verschiedene Verlage und Werbeagenturen. Beim US-Amerikanischen Fernsehen war sie als Zeichentrickfilmzeichnerin beschäftigt.
Sie produziert auch Workshops mit neuen Multimedia-Projekte für Kinder. Seit 2015 ist Sie Mitglied der “Berufsvereinigung
Bildender Künstlerinnen und Künstler Vorarlbergs”. Rubi hat Jetzt ihre Atelier in Bregenz Osterreich.