My name is Jeremy Sicile-Kira. I am a visionary artist. I paint my dreams. When I dream, I am processing what I have seen and heard when I am awake. Then I paint the painting from my dream and write a description of what I see and what it means.
My mission is to show people their inner beauty and spiritual essence, and to paint my visions of current events and social injustice, providing hope of possible resolutions.
I meet my clients over zoom or FacetTime. I paint their colors based on the energetic vibration or aura I see around them. I have the gift of synesthesia, which means I see emotion as color, and voices and sound elicit color as well. I paint the positive colors of my clients so they can see their inner potential and spiritual essence. Happy people are easy to paint, but sometimes clients have terrible ideas about themselves, low confidence in their abilities.
Before I learned to type to communicate, I frankly lived in darkness. Gradually over time my mother and others taught me. Then I realized I had the ability to learn, and that I had gifts that were hidden until I was able to show others what I was capable of. This saved me from a life of despair and gave me great hope for my future. Years later, I learned to give people the great hope that they needed to continue living. Frankly I love to see their surprise when they see the painting and read the description, that they have all these beautiful attributes.
Recently I have been painting visions I have about current events and social injustice. .For 4 months I did not have access to an art studio due to the coronavirus restrictions. Frankly I had so many dreams about what we all were living through that I learned how to translate my visions via digital art on my iPad.
I’m grateful to be back painting with acrylic in an art studio, and look forward to meeting people again in person at art fairs or my art studio. Meanwhile, stay safe, connected and hopeful!
(My ability to participate in this virtual show is supported in part by the California Arts Council, a state agency and National Arts and Disability Center at the University of
California Los Angeles).
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