ARTWRX Studio + Gallery is a collaborative, creative space shared by 10 independent artists dedicated to the experience of making art. We are located in Courtenay BC, Canada.
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5 Stars for Ocean Awe and its creator Marianne Enhorning. I follow Marianne on Instagram and I love how she presents her art with stories and music. She has such a big heart that she further shows with the way she interacts with people who comment and in her videos with other people, and just by the way she talks about how she goes through her process of painting. I found your website through one of her posts and when I saw Ocean Awe I had to pause and I just stared at it as I felt so overwhelmed with those feelings one get when one feels so at home. I couldn't not buy Ocean Awe as it basically spoke of my recent stage 4 cancer where I felt faced with a huge challenge. The ocean swell represented that, while the three kayakers represented that I wasn't alone. It's been almost 19 months since I finished chemo and my 'ocean' is calmer now. Marianne also included 6 art cards, one with some very kind words. I love your beautiful website too! Take care. EJB.