I have been designing and making fine leather handbags, wallets, belts and accessories for 44 years. My daughter Jess has been my super sales women for 20 years and has joined the business full time for 14 years.
We hand cut and glue all the purses and accessories. We use plexi-glass and an Olfa knife. The only machine we use is a sewing machine. The belts are hand cut, tooled, edged, hand dyed, and waxed to a luster. The most difficult part of our work is finding top quality leather.
I have unique textured leather made to my specifications. First, it's textured (heat embossed). Then, hand rubbed dyes are applied to highlight the texture. This is a very popular, unique, and durable leather.
We make some extremely functional 4 compartment belt pouches. They can be worn on a belt hands free. Our newest is the clip on pouch that just clips on your waist band. No belt needed. Both are a great alternatives to a fanny pack.
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