Webinar Replay ▶️: Volunteer Management 101: Essential Techniques for Engaging and Empowering Your Team - Eventeny Community

Webinar Replay ▶️: Volunteer Management 101: Essential Techniques for Engaging and Empowering Your Team

Webinar Replay ▶️: Volunteer Management 101: Essential Techniques for Engaging and Empowering Your Team


Attention all event organizers! Get ready for an inspiring session where Whitney, our event specialist, will share invaluable insights and expertise on effective volunteer management strategies. Discover their secrets for attracting enthusiastic volunteers, providing practical training, and creating a sense of belonging within their teams. No matter what kind of event you organize – a lively beer festival, an epic convention, or a vibrant pride celebration – this webinar is designed to revolutionize your approach to volunteer management. You can expect practical strategies, real-life examples, and a newfound passion for creating unforgettable experiences. Resources: - Link for current customers to book a call with their CES rep: https://product.eventeny.com/ces - Link to book a call with an event specialist if you're interested in Eventeny: https://www.eventeny.com/demo/ - Volunteer knowledge articles: https://help.eventeny.com/hc/en-us/search?category=6334164062235&query=volunteer+management&type=knowledge_base&utf8 - PowerPoint used during the webinar: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1A-XXOFrMGNhY-O-ddW3Bh3spQa_FhLWy/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=108119843380361127107&rtpof=true&sd=true


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